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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • For the operatives put in danger and/or killed, it was worth human life?

    You seem to be ignoring that Assange either knowingly or unknowingly risked peoples’ lives, people who had often given those lives into great risk in service of their country.

    When the leaks first happened, I was supportive of Wikileaks (a natural position for an anti-war person like me). Later, when it was revealed that there had been no or little due diligence to ensure the information had been vetted and scrubbed, I realized how extreme it can be on both ends of the political spectrum.

    Stop trying to paint this with some large political brush.

    Assange is not a hero. The US government is not innocent.

  • What would you think of someone who goes door to door trying to convince you a blubbery clown rules the universe from planet zebulon?

    Is that a normal person just doing normal person things?

    For the non-religious, there is no difference between the person above and a relgious believer.

    I think it’s reasonable to ask why people still hold unfounded beliefs with the greater interconnectedness of the world making it pretty plain that not all these religions can be divinely inspired truth, so many of them are necessarily imaginary.

  • Too cynical a take to be real.

    The above happens sometimes, and is maybe more common among older entrenched politicians (that we have in spades right now with the aging out of one of the largest generations ever). But most of the time it’s real people with real beliefs who want to change things. Governments are usually set up to change slowly, if at all, so often little seems to happen, but those gears do grind slowly based on how they’re pushed.

    So, your take is definitely a way to make it so the political class can continue to exploit people - you need more people upset and willing to change if you want to make a difference, not lots of powerless apathy.