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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 26th, 2023

  • The algorithms killed the platforms. They’ve become vapid, empty holes that only attract people addicted to them like junkies.

    The internet can be fun, but you’re not going to find it on the platforms. You’re only going to find fun in places where people talk to each other. And even then, if you’re thin skinned you’re going to wind up in an outrage filled circlejerk. If you loosen up and go where the algorithms don’t exist you can have a good time.

  • No matter what you think of it, someone’s going to try to guilt and browbeat you. Support the Palestinians? You’re antisemitic and support terrorism. Support Israel? You’re supporting an oppressive apartheid state. So who cares whether you’re allowed, this is the world we live in, no matter what you think about anything there’s someone out there who’s going to call you a bad person for it. Just learn about things before you form an opinion, use your judgment and critical thinking and then figure out the truth of whatever it is.

    Personally, I don’t support either side. I can see how they both kind of brought each other’s retaliation on themselves. I just lament innocent people dying and dislike how it affects me.

  • I struggled with quitting for about 5 years, I felt my stamina get destroyed and realized how much it was costing me financially, so I tried several times. I got panic attacks, something I never dealt with before, the last couple of times I tried. Finally about 3 or 4 years ago I smoked my last cigarette, somehow I didn’t get a panic attack. I don’t remember the day because in my mind, to not smoke I can’t be too serious about the importance of all of it, smoking is a ritual and if I allow myself to think about dates and anniversaries around quitting it will just drive me to it again. Smoking has to be something I don’t think about at all.

    I still use nicotine. I’ll have a cigar every now and then, I vape a little, but man there’s something else going on with cigarettes. Quitting nicotine by itself is easy, even having some tobacco every now and then doesn’t cause me to crave anything. I can go hours after waking up without vaping and feel nothing, whereas with cigarettes, I planned my entire day around smoking them and how many I had left. If I smoked a single one right now I’d be smoking a pack a day for who knows how long before I succeed again, I can’t have a single drag off a cigarette for the rest of my life. Quitting cigarettes, even with nicotine to sate me, was hard as fucking hell. I don’t know what they do to those things but they’re addictive in some way beyond nicotine and it’s a motherfucker.