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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 3rd, 2023


  • 1: They want to hurt themselves or others.

    2: They said how they’ll do it.

    3: They said they’ll be doing it NOW or at a definitive time.

    If these 3 things aren’t answered with any definitive answers, they’ll leave you alone.

    You can say who you’ll kill, you can say how, but if you don’t say you plan to do it NOW or on May 23rd, you’re going to stay at home unless you have insurance and plan to go somewhere voluntarily.


    Use this life hack to never have to deal with police and kill yourself if you want to as long as you’ve exhausted all real options. Pro-Choice all the way. Ain’t nobody but you gets a say on whether you want to live or not.

    Set time? Set how? No person? No 51.15.

    Don’t know when? Set how. Set kys. No 51.15

    Say it’s tomorrow? Don’t know how. Say you’ll kys. Maybe 51.15, just don’t convince them differently.

    E: Forgot the obvious. Don’t threaten anyone while you have a weapon in your possession. No, the police can no longer leave you alone. They are not allowed to just let you kill yourself without being sued into oblivion. Yes, if you threaten them with a weapon at close distance, they will kill you. No, it doesn’t matter if you’re mentally unwell, don’t threaten people with lethal weapons. Being unwell doesn’t give you carte blanche to PHYSICALLY threaten and/or hurt people.