• 2 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 24th, 2024


  • The right wing viciously hates America despite their rhetoric to the contrary.

    You cannot hate your fellow countrymen and seek actively disenfranchise them by dismantling the rule of law and the right to vote while at the same time purporting to champion “American Values”.

    MAGA are not patriotic Americans anymore than Mussolini supporters were “patriotic Italians”. Just a grab bag of classless opportunistic assholes with a vision that extends no further than the tip of their dick.

  • Eating disorders are a good example of how online spaces can spread mental illness like a virus. Individuals with ED’s often have this insatiable urge to post ED propaganda online, much like rabies makes it’s victims have the urge to bite people. It is how the virus perpetuates itself.

    Sometimes ED will arrive organically in an individual without digital exposure to it, but some people only acquire it because they literally fell down an online rabbit hole. Very similar to MAGA in terms of being a digital mind-virus

  • I’m on my local strata council and from the earliest meetings discovered my nemesis who is there for exactly the opposite purpose of me. I want a permissive atmosphere that doesn’t look for trouble and only responds to actual problems instead of nitpicking to create unnecessary trouble.

    My nemesis, on the other hand, is somebody who I believe can only get an erection by covertly causing another human being frustration and torment. By getting myself on council he cannot get rid of me nor can he use his power to abuse me. I have a small but dedicated power base that hates this guy and they all give me their proxy votes at the AGM specifically because I am supposed to sit on him and keep him down as much as possible. If I ever move than someone else will need to take over the job of sitting on him so he doesn’t think he has power.

  • Liberal tolerance is such a defacto default that people who would be hard done by a white christofascist America end up signing up for it because they assume it will include the same rights and freedoms they currently enjoy.

    Also every trans Trumper believes they will be the token accepted trans person in the far-right. Same as some Jews cosied up to the Nazis to extract personal privilege at the expense of snitching on their own people only to end up at the exact same end-game anyways.