main account for because it’s down so often

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • candyman337@sh.itjust.workstoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlDo I have Burnout?
    3 months ago

    I find in today’s society it’s easy to lose any reason for doing anything other than “I was told I have to” about halfway through college it really did feel like a scam, like I was getting screwed over and forced to do it anyway. I still believe it’s partially true, but I used the skills I learned in college to help push my personal life goals along.

    Ask yourself, will you be happy doing what you’re going to school for? Is the goal you’re going towards what you actually want to do? Will it help you do what you actually want to do? If you find good reasons for those, the next time you ask yourself “why am I doing any of this?” You’ll have an answer. If not, well, maybe it’s time to change your concentration, or seek out paths other than college.

    Just remember that you also do need to think about affording to live (unfortunately) in all of this.

  • I think we should stop pitting states against each other in a race to the bottom and see this for what it is: working class people having their rights taken away by the wealthy elite. The more we are divided the easier it is to do this type of thing. The politicians are doing this, not the people. And they have set up and continued to prop up a system that under educated voters, while also underpaying them and blaming it on anyone else they can do everyone is mad at everyone. We need to stop blaming each other and band together and force them to fix it.

  • It’s not a bad browser, the reason it’s hated is because Google is using it’s near total market share to push ads and other bad practices onto the entirety of the Internet. The more people aware and fighting back the better. That’s why I personally no longer use chrome even though using Firefox at first was very different and a bit hard to get used to.

    Chrome is a good browser, and Firefox is a good browser they’re just different. They both do all those things you mentioned.

    The biggest deal is that chrome is closed source, and run by a company who is literally legally required to turn a profit anyway it can because it’s publicly traded. They will do whatever they have to to continue to turn a profit. Quality of the Internet or user experience be damned.

    Firefox on the other hand, is made by a company that is not only not publicly traded, but it’s a non-profit. Firefox is also FOSS (free and open source). Mozilla literally wrote the MPL (Mozilla public license) that’s used by several different FOSS apps.

    So, the options for modern browsers are:

    A. Use a chromium based browser or use chrome, supporting a company who is incentivised to make everything as for profit as they possible can


    B. Use Firefox created and maintained by a nonprofit who is trying to push towards a more free and open Internet.

    THAT is why chrome is hated.

  • My parents live in a house built by my great grandmother, when I was a kid, about 7, just before I went to take a bath I saw the spirit of an old woman walk out of my parents room and into mine.

    She walked out, paused and looked at me, and then walked into my room. I. was. PETRIFIED. Although I knew if I told my dad something he wouldn’t believe me, so I put tried to not think about it as I had to walk towards the side of the house she had just walked from to take a bath lol. Nothing else happened that night. I didn’t recognize the woman but I remembered her face.

    A few weeks later I was going to sit down in our front room. On the table next to the chair I was going to sit in was one of my mom’s lamps, it was ornate and had a small glass pane slotted into a piece of wood. We always had an obituary card wedged in there so that it would show through the glass, but I never really read it or looked at it, it was one of those things that kind of just faded into the background for me. Especially since I’m ADHD, my brain kind of just filters out stuff sometimes. Even though I never really looked at it, my mom had told me it was my great grandmother’s obituary card. Well, as I was sitting down I happened to glance at it, and I had to do a double take, that was the woman I saw!

    I asked my dad when about my great grandmother lived here, where everyone’s bedroom’s were. He said “Well, Mimi had my bedroom, and yours was your grandmother’s and her sister’s.” That about confirmed it for me: I had seen the spirit of my great grandmother performing her nightly check up on her daughters. After that day sometimes if felt like she was watching over me in my room, although that could have just been in my head since I had seen her walk in.