Jaded. Please, fuck off.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • It’s not so much about paying more, but rather directing where my taxes go. I already pay out the ass in taxes where I live, I’d just rather see my hard-earned income spent on public comprehensive healthcare… primary and undergrad education… automating as much production as possible… universal basic income.

    Not blowing people up. Not digging for oil. Not bailing out corporations. And CERTAINLY not funding police with military surplus used to oppress and murder our very own citizens.

    The people using my money for those purposes, and more, can go Fuck themselves to death. Preferably in the least enjoyable way possible.

  • So what if our little brother was more than just a prick? A stray punch thrown during a fight knocks some innocent kids’ teeth out? What if he killed someone one day by pushing them around too hard? How do you deal with that when the cops are too busy and your parents aren’t home?

    I wish we, as College-Bro, would quit blindly defending our “family” and start thinking about the recipients. Our little bully brother needs to be grounded for a while like our Russian cousin.

    My real question: how would you ground a child holding a loaded gun?

  • I don’t think they have a backup plan, everything is going according to their active plan. You could almost consider this like micro-colonization: the wealthy step on the toes of the working folk, lie to the workers into thinking colonization is good, drain resources and human willpower, then throw them in a ditch after they realize their home was stolen from them. Ask the Native Americans, Aboriginals of Australia, or almost every single African country to ever have existed.

    TL;DR - We’ll probably be displaced to neat little patches of land where were are out-of-sight, out-of-mind.

  • It was a lot of fun in Act 2 of BG3 for this explicit reason and dealing with the ::: spoiler spoiler Lesser Thorms.

    Specifically in the House of Healing, you can subvert Malus’ surgery by convincing him he needs his own ‘procedure’, causing his nurses to rend his body to true death. :::

    I’ve never had more fun with a video game.

    EDIT: Idk how to properly spoiler markdown my text, so sorry in advance for being an asshole and ruining a good part for others in a great game.

  • The execution took about 22 minutes from the time between the opening and closing of curtains to the viewing room. Smith seemed to remain conscious for several minutes. For at least two minutes, he appeared to shake and writhe on the gurney, sometimes pulling against the restraints

    The execution could hardly be considered a success. The mask wasn’t sealed properly to his face and allowed oxygen to be inhaled as well. Nitrogen-execution requires a complete lack of other trace gasses to effectively asphyxiate without pain. This man suffered the equivalent of drowning for 22 minutes.