Hi, it me.

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Just to add, Digikam for organizing, DarkTable for processing, GIMP for anything DarkTable doesn’t do.

    The biggest downsides, for me, with the FOSS route compared to Linux, is that the UIs can be a bit clunky, unclear, or just slower. Since this is a hobby for me, I’m trying to look past those in favor of saving some $$, but it’s not easy after over a decade of Adobe.

    • Music: Spotify
    • Podcasts: Pocket Casts

    Podcasts in the car to and from work, and while at work (WordPress Developer) with wireless earbuds. I listen to music when I’ve gotten through my feed of podcasts or when reading a book. Lofi and classical are both great for listening while reading, but while coding I prefer high energy music like math rock or metalcore/mathcore.

    Some of my top recommended podcasts:

    • The Last Podcast on the Left
    • My Favorite Murder
    • Dungeons & Daddies
    • Buried Bones
    • Hardcore History
    • My Brother My Brother and Me
    • Oh No Ross & Carrie
    • Ologies
    • Sawbones
    • Search Engine
    • Spooked
    • The Wild

  • A lot of the people I follow are trying out Threads, but because of no federation yet, you need to use their app to see what they post there. It’s a bit clumsy and I don’t think that they launched without fed on accident.

    I wonder if we’ll also see people posting on both Threads and Mastodon, which will mean having to follow two accounts for one person if I want to see both. Just seems odd to use both rather than migrate.

    Trying to think positive about this, but just not seeing many upsides so far.

  • I have to imagine many of these investors also have money in areas whose prices have skyrocketed due to “inflation.” They’ve seen the profits other industries are getting away with and now big tech feels the need to do the same. These companies are supposed to be the future, after all… How will it look if big oil is more profitable than mainstream digital platforms? To investors, it looks bad.

    Sadly, when your ability to generate profit relies on using your users (or the developers and mods that run your platform cough Reddit) like cheap labor, rather than providing better product at reasonable prices, digital platforms suffer in usability or features. It’s kind of a lose lose for anyone that actually cares, because so far the market hasn’t self-corrected.