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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Down-under, we have some other mechanisms to try to preserve democracy:

    Mandatory voting and preferential voting. This provides opportunities for third parties and independents who engage with voters.

    Ethics Committees, used at state levels but pushes for a Federal Ethics Committee. “They allow Parliament to scrutinise the Executive more effectively, making it more responsible to the people”

    Caps on political donations is another measure, supported by progressives but not yet by the conservatives.

  • Makes sense. It’s a shame when these should be fundamental principals and accountability of the person’s elected.

    The concern for me is there would be those that act without conscience or care, the ‘wreckers’ that don’t have any current policy or engage in rational debate, they’re in plain sight already today and not being held to account?

  • I think a problem with blind voting is, who do the citizens know who represented them and acted in their interest, and therefore who they should support and vote for? Backroom deals and corruption would run rife. Greater transparency is better than less.

    A conscience vote, where the party leaders do not enforce a particular party line, instead accept the will of the representative member (notionally on behalf of their constituents) should be more commonplace. This is essentially the same as getting an independent. Best bet is to break up the 2-party system.

  • cbAnon0@lemmy.worldtoAsk Science@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    10 months ago

    Maybe for context could you share any reference article or graph which triggered this question? Increased in relation to what, since when?

    Not in the US, but from materials read before, it is a combination of things.

    Typical causes of weight gain in an individual is simply more calorie intake than is being burnt off. Across a population you can consider environmental, lifestyle and social factors which may contribute to this.

    1. Higher calorie intake (super-sized portions, highly processed foods with high sugar and fat content, cheap convenient fast foods and drinks, expensive healthy/nutritional foods, growth hormones in meats?).

    2. Less exercise (infrastructure not built for cycling and pedestrians, less manual labour jobs, Netflix, Home delivery services, etc).

    Health education, Food Advertising/Sponsorship, Chain loyalty discounts, Low wages (poverty), and Political influences would all play a part.