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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • With as cheap as pen plotters have gotten, I’m surprised no one has come up with a reasonably small printer looking one for normal sized paper that functions like an actual printer. the ones you can get need special plugins and vector graphics to plot. There used to be many models several decades ago, and they can still be found and modified to use normal pens, but that’s kind of a driver nightmare. I feel like we’re past the point where people need to be able to print many pages relatively quickly, and I’d rather have a printer that took a while to print but I knew that it would work every single time.

  • I don’t really get this take. I’ve seen the same people wanting stricter gun control and also saying this is a dumb law. Most responsible gun owners who are pro gun rights would agree that we don’t want drug addicts to have guns. Why isn’t this something people can all agree on? Admittedly, this is hypocritical as hell because police don’t bother to follow up on felons who own guns, and even infrequent marijuana use prohibits people from purchasing firearms. But, it’s just good sense for someone who is addicted to crack to not own guns.

    Even with the details of this case, my understanding is that it all started because he was on drugs, and didn’t have his gun safely stored and his then girlfriend, also a drug user, took it and threw it in a trash can in a public place, which is an excellent reason not to let drug users have guns.

  • I work in a technical field, and the amount of bad work I see is way higher than you’d think. There are companies without anyone competent to do what they claim to do. Astonishingly, they make money at it and frequently don’t get caught. Sometimes they have to hire someone like me to fix their bad work when they do cause themselves actual problems, but that’s much less expensive than hiring qualified people in the first place. That’s probably where we’re headed with ais, and honestly it won’t be much different than things are now, except for the horrible dystopian nature of replacing people with machines. As time goes on they’ll get fed the corrections competent people make to their output and the number of competent people necessary will shrink and shrink, till the work product is good enough that they don’t care to get it corrected. Then there won’t be anyone getting paid to do the job, and because of ais black box nature we will completely lose the knowledge to perform the job in the first place.

  • There are people who have natural ability at every instrument, but it’s much more common for it to be with one or two types of instruments. Them a little (enjoyable) practice will get them to whatever level of mastery they’re happy with. They can be totally hopeless at other instruments, and average at others. The ones that will blow your mind are those who are total naturals at one, but choose to pursue an instrument they have no natural ability at.

  • I recommend the Thinkpad yoga 11e, which is their education edition. They’re out of stock at the moment, but they’ll come back soon. They always do. It’s an 11 inch laptop with a flip around touch screen and integrated stylus. Works perfectly with Linux. It’s not super fast, but it’s under 300 dollars new. And it’s made for kids so it’s durable. I have one and I love it. You can get one used if you like, but at that point you’re probably better off with an older model.