Reddit refuge, escentric engineer and serial hobbyist.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • It’s getting worst though. A lot worst. They keep adding more and more layers to make it so difficult and convoluted you give up. Last year my insurance started using an external pharmacy for my meds. Fine. But my meds to need to be administered by a nurse in a hospital. So I need to get prior authorization from my doctor to my insurance who then approves the pharmacy to do the meds. But there are 30% copays now so I use a third party company that works with the company that makes the meds to comp the 30%. Then I need to get the hospital to call the pharmacy to order meds on my behalf and send it to the hospital, not me. Then I can finally schedule my appointment to actually get the shot in the hospital. I do this circus once a year, every year because they change one layer every year and so I have to figure out the new rules. It’s pure madness.

  • Wow OK, great pictures. First I will say the PCB and components look super clean and the design, components and overall design looks very high quality. I’m kind of surprised this isn’t working because it doesn’t appear to be low quality, quite the opposite. The board is also super clean and well care for. I didn’t expect all the PCBs to be broken out, there appears to be a dedicated PSU board and I assume an amplifier board separate. Usually everything is all on one board. Perhaps you can order a new PSU from a different vendor if you figure out what voltages it should output, is there any clear marking on the output where there is no voltages to tell you what should be there?

    OK so you tested the MOV and its 470kohm that is GOOD. It should be high resistance unless its damaged and then it typically fails as an electrical short. Also you would see physical damage and blackening. Next thing I would check is the fuse, but your PSU is fancy and uses an NTC. It will be low resistance until too much current flows which heats it up and then it’s resistance climbs higher and higher to choke the current flow to a safe/manageable level. You should check that and make sure its resistance is low, less than 20ohms or so. Capacitors also look good and you tested them. Unfortunately for you, this might be a vexxing or random failure :(

    Did you happen to call the company and ask for help or a repair program? It looks high enough quality that they might stand behind it and mail you a new PCB.