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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • What I’m getting from reading these responses is that exercise can alleviate some of the crushing effects of depression, but because it’s difficult and time consuming, you’ll need a better reason for it than just “I’m suppose to” otherwise you’ll just be making your life harder and creating an unhealthy relationship with exercise.

    Everybody has to fight through the first few months to genuinely create a good workout habit, but if you start small (such as a 20 minute walk 3-4 days a week), you’ll be able to ease into the really good stuff without so much hardship. The plan is to be working out for life, so what’s the rush?

    I believe the army created negative associations in me about exercise, since they used it as punishment and I always had the anxiety of my next PT test hanging over my head. It took a few years to disentangle myself from those connections and begin working out the way I wanted to and really seeing the results I was looking for. Now, after ~5 years of very frequent exercise, I’m finally getting to the point where I feel like it’s a net positive to my mental health.

  • I’m used to the army, when I’m packing for field stuff, I know that no matter how much I pack for luxury my kit and equipment will still be 80% of the load minimum. Would I rather hump 80 lbs 20 miles and have a miserable night, or hump 85 lbs and have hot coffee and a single person tent I can jerk off comfortably in? Easy choice for me.

    When I go hiking with my family I pretty much just carry emergency supplies and the liquor stash, knowing we’ll be back to the tents by nightfall.

    Long and short, you remove weapons armor and ammo from the picture and it’s a lot more impactful to play with the weight. Shaving 5 lbs off a 20 lbs load can let you go 5 more miles when it’s for leisure.

  • When I get deja vu, it feels to me like I’ve dreamt of whatever is happening before, I’ve always pretty easily been able to say “oh it’s just deja vu” and move on.

    But once, I woke up and told my wife about a strange dream involving very specific details of a situation with me and my brother. Along the lines of my brother throwing a beer can, it bounced off the trash can, bounced off me, then back into the trash can.

    A few days later, my brother did exactly that. I was dumbstruck, even my wife was like “what the hell”

  • My take on why this doesn’t work RAW is there’s a time that states “specific beats general”

    When you use a crossbow as a melee weapon, it specifically belongs an improvised melee weapon for the attack, which trumps the general rule that a crossbow is ranged weapon.

    I would even go so far as to say that means it doesn’t qualify for GWM either.

  • I’ve read a series called “Galaxy’s Edge”, and in it, the 1% on earth had furthered their stranglehold on media, propaganda, resources, etc, and Earth was finally crumbling. Food wars, corporate armies, the whole shebang. Eventually, the 1% pooled their resources together to just leave Earth on massive colony ships, ditching the unwashed masses to die in pursuit of a new start.

    What makes me laugh is that once they all dipped, earth just… Recovered. Got through the hard times and developed hyperdrive to jump off into the stars themselves, getting to all the planets thousands of years before the slower-than-light colony ships the original 1% left in. When they finally start emerging from the dark of interstellar space, their zealous beliefs that they’re the most important people in the universe has convinced them to chase down fucked up biotech and they’re all post human monstrosities hell bent on destroying the “animals” who have lived in relative harmony without their existence.

    Can’t help but feel like that rings a bell. The billionaires will rape our planet to death and then just dust off in private space ships leaving us for dead. If we pull through, they’ll come back to keep raping.