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Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • I’ve read all of them, and I really enjoyed them. It’s true that it’s basically “Royal Navy in space”, and it might be a little cheezy, but it’s a pretty relaxing read.

    The space combat stuff gets much better in the later books, Weber managed to build satisfying mechanics for it. There’s some good political intrigue too. The one thing that pulled me “out” of the books a couple times were some character names, some of them are pretty ridiculous (Queen Elizabeth III for example).

  • I’m one of these, my name is definitely male but when you read it it’s really easy to confuse with the female version. It doesn’t help that it’s really rare in my generation while the female version is much more popular. All this resulted in me getting misgendered on a regular basis. A few examples:

    • as a teenager, I won a prize with a monetary award. The check was for the female version of my name.
    • when I got my first house, I signed up ONLINE for the electric utility. The invoice ended up being addressed to the female version of my name. I sure as heck didn’t make a mistake in my own name when signing up, so someone over there must have “corrected” my name
    • I once went to a week-long course, where we each were assigned an individual room, but bathrooms and showers were shared across all rooms on that floor. I was assigned a room on the ladies’ floor, which took me a while to realize as I thought it was just mixed-gendered.
    • and that’s without counting the hundreds of times teachers took attendance. I’d say at least half of them got it wrong.

    Anyway, I thought pronouns were a bit of a weird thing for trans and non-binary people, but as a very cis man who’s had issues with people reading my name wrong, I put my pronouns in my signature now.

  • Modern air combat isn’t about dogfights anymore. A plane like the F-35 is an asset in the air because of its sensor suite way more than because of its ability to deploy ordnance. It’ll let us patrol our massive airspace much more effectively than the 5-6 operational CF-18s we currently have.

    Yes, drones will be important, but for long-range combat they’ll get used in conjunction with manned aircraft in the air. The F-35 is a formidable platform for that. Tomorrow’s air combat will probably consist of squadrons of autonomous drones under the command of a manned aircraft flying with them in formation.

  • By that same logic, can Russia ask Japan to extradite a US citizen because they advocated for LGBTQ+ rights while they were in South Korea? Because that’s basically what’s happening here, I just swapped the offence and the countries involved.

    Dude isn’t a US person, wasn’t in the US when he committed the alleged crime, and said alleged crime isn’t a crime where he allegedly committed it. US law isn’t world law.

    EVEN IF the guy might’ve been rapist asshole (allegations were fishy as heck), this extradition proceeding is a gross overreach by the US, and the UK should have laughed it out of court. If a country has any leg to stand on regarding extradition, it’s Sweden (I think that’s where he was when he committed all the alleged crimes, both the sexual ones and the wikileaks ones).

  • shove some text into stdout

    That’s not what this operator does normally, and if you try to “shove” something into anything else (an int into a variable? a function into an object?) you’ll get surprises… Basically it’s “special” and nothing else in the language behaves like it. Learning hello world in C++ teaches you absolutely nothing useful about the language, because it doesn’t generalize.

    C, in contrast, has many instances of complex functions like printf (another commenter mentioned variable arguments), and learning to call a function is something very useful that generalizes well to the rest of the language. You also learn early enough that each different function has its own “user manual” of how to use it, but it’s still just a function call.

  • this std::cout << "hello world" bullshit is in no way intuitive. You’re using the bit-shift operator to output stuff to the console? WTF? Why 2 colons? What is cout? And then these guys go on to complain about JS being weird…

    No, C is where it’s at: printf("hello world"); is just a function call, like all the other things you do in C.