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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2023


  • Perhaps she should get the likes of Tommy Robson to protect her, since apparently they share philosophies. Not only would that save the taxpayers money but if someone does succeed in doing her in they can kill two birds with one stone.

    Also she has pretty shit protection because she spends most of her time wandering around going to nearby protests and trying to argue with people. If this protection advisors that she stay indoors and never go outside I’m okay with that.

  • What more do you expect from people who think that culture war nonsense is a good way to practice government?

    Might work in the US but in the UK all it’s done is piss everyone off. Mostly because the only people who actually subscribe to that kind of theory already voted for them anyway. They gained no one by doing this.

  • I am differentiating between votes and seats.

    They are getting fewer votes than the conservatives this will obviously lead to fewer seats and then the conservatives but even under proportional representation it would also lead to fewer seats because they are getting fewer votes.

    What you’re talking about is the situation where they have very little support in any one constituency but wide-ranging support generally. That would indeed result in them getting a large number of votes but very few seats. But that isn’t what is happening here, they have a smattering of support in most constituencies and a lot of support in some constituencies. They will probably therefore win one or two seats.

    Under proportional representation they would get more seats but they would not get more seats than the conservatives. So by no metric that you choose to use are they “doing better than the conservatives”. In terms of the number of seats they are going to get they are tying with the SNP.