Admin for Lover of cats, books and yarn.

  • 61 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023


  • That’s not the case at all. I have had disagreements with jgrim and will continue in the future. The difference in that differing opinions are open for discussion and are not immediately met with hostility or completely shutdown.

    The lemmy devs are blatantly lying under this post, and I’m not engaging for the reason that I have better things to do than to argue with them and convince them to accept criticism they are clearly never going to be willing to hear. There’s more that goes beyond discussing and making github requests on this project, and a portion of this is based on interactions on the backend within matrix admin channels as well as watching interaction within the github repository itself as well. I have engaged heavily in the matrix chats amongst large lemmy instances on this stuff numerous times. My frustration is shared.

    My issue isn’t that they aren’t doing what I want, it’s that they have such opinionated development that they seem truly incapable of taking criticism or feedback from others. Everyone is wrong or the problem except for them. All of the criticism I have laid out has been dismissed under this post as “false criticism” which exemplifies the frustration held. I recognize that this is a large project that requires a lot of energy and time that is difficult for hobbyists to engage in, but they actively push away other hobbyists who try to work on the project with them. I am one of them. All passion and desire to engage in this project is gone.

    I am truly despondent about lemmy as a platform and simply login and engage when I feel the random spurt of energy to do so. Outside of that, I just monitor and moderate in the background. This blog post simply explains why. Take with it what you will. 🤷

  • It is unfortunate that this is what you have decided to take away from the blog post instead of reflecting on the criticism I have provided. Instead of reflecting on my list of legitimate criticism you have decided to call me entitled and hone in on small aspects of the blog post in attempt to dismiss it completely. Per usual, it is everyone else that seems to be the problem but you. I outlined my own issues with lemmy after a LOT of patience and goodwill. That’s lost, and this comment solidifies further why I will switch away from lemmy as soon as I get the chance. Whether you decide to accept the points I have made is on you but ultimately your refusal to recognize the issues I have outlined will cause this project to fade away completely. And that’s really sad. I love lemmy as a project and an idea.

  • To be honest, I don’t really engage in this community because of the discomfort Harry Potter generally brings me now. I was honestly a bit relieved when it died as I knew when it was created it would eventually spell trouble. I want to preface this as I say all of this as a queer Jewish man.

    I was a big fan of Harry Potter as a kid. It was the one of the big book series’ I enjoyed and it connected me with my mother. I had difficulty picking up reading and Harry Potter was a pathway to solidifying my literacy. I understand why people enjoy it, and in many ways the memories I have of it with connecting to my mother is something I will never forget. But at the same time… there’s a big difference between consuming public domain work made by awful people who no longer receive profit whilst consuming work by a woman who is actively engaging in political campaigns to make trans peoples lives worse with the profit she still receives.

    I am not trans and I cannot speak from that perspective, but what I can speak on is that I don’t really talk about Harry Potter amongst my friends who are as a sign of general respect. It’s hard to really emphasize just how much pain JK Rowling has brought people. It’s horrendous. There is obvious nuance here and I get that and whenever people talk about Harry Potter I try my hardest not to to pass judgement in spite of the fact I cannot help but think of all the awful shit that’s happened. It is extremely difficult for people to break from the cultural hold that Harry Potter has held. It is one of the most iconic media franchises of the early 2000s for a reason.

    When it comes to the antisemitism aspect of it, it brings me frustration as it is often an after thought in the discussion of her stuff. TERF shit and antisemitism tends to be best of friends for some reason. Most likely since TERFs are often embraced by fascists who are already antisemitic and they pick their talking points up, but I digress. Antisemitism is a big thing across most media in general and that did leak heavily into Harry Potter at first, but her antisemitism in her work is more jarring knowing that she is now openly associated with public antisemites as well.

    I don’t know. The whole thing just upsets me honestly. Seeing the conflict it creates is painful.