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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • A few apps like Photoshop and Fusion360 keep my running Windows. The graphics card situation is also a giant pain in the ass, my laptop has a Radeon and a RTX 3080 and I can’t get any kind of prime offloading to work. I’d really like to use the radeon unless i’m running something intensive that needs 3d acceleration, but i think I’d likely have to reboot to switch between them.

    That leaves me running the RTX chip the whole time so the laptop draws about 40W at idle, when running windows it’s more like 10W because the nvidia chip is completely off.

  • I think most of these are third party metrics collected from ad services, we’ve seen a few choice ones from reddit about how little traffic has dropped but of course Reddit will find ways to express an ever rising metric until they can’t.

    Facebook somehow reports near magical user growth, but 90% of the people I’m connected to it barely seem to be there.

    I strongly suspect, but can’t prove, that the 80/20 rule applies to reddit. I expect 20% of the users create 80% of the content and engagement, and that even if only 1% of reddit leaves it’s almost certainly coming out of the productive 20%. However i’ll bet Reddit will never start openly sharing stats about how engaged the top quintile of their users are, because that provides too much insight. Much better to talk about monthly active users and count those of us that flip over there by mistake or for one community we can’t replace here.

  • Yeah absolutely, plus there’s lots of space for new entrants with different ideas for what a hybrid platform might look like. Some of them will surely be terrible but maybe there’s a magical do-it-all solution that we just haven’t imagined yet.

    Not having to recreate the community from scratch makes it so much easier for technologies to emerge

  • I’m also not sure the interface is quite right. There are maybe use cases where subscribing to a lemmy community or kbin magazine might make sense in Mastodon, but most of the time that feels like a weird use-case. It feels like I want to subscribe to my own feed of people who reply to me, then I could reply to them from Mastodon (except there’s no real link between my identities, which is messy)

  • Lots of bean/lentil dishes are pretty magic for that.

    There’s also an element of skill/experience in that category too. I can’t find the exact quote but David Chang said something to the effect of “anyone can cook a filet mignon well, but cooking with scraps takes skill”.

    As i’ve gotten more competent in the kitchen i’ve absolutely gone from buying fancy cuts of meat to stew meat and will buy mutton any time i ever see it. I’ve also got much better at observing what fits well together, if there’s some left over potatoes in the fridge then I know that I can mash them, roll them into gnocchi and make a quick pesto with some wilty kale from the back of the fridge and basil from the garden. I’d totally have planned and made the same dish ten years ago, but i’d have started by going to the store and buying the ingredients. Being able to work with what I have and balance it is key.