What can he do about it? We live in a free market society. All he can do is keep talking about it and hope the people get the message. Rebellion will start at the consumer level and go up, not the other way around. Main problem is the millions of people that rely on Fox for their news.
And free 5G service for life.
Driving home drunk one night while in college, my brother decided to drive straight, instead of slowing to take the 45° right turn. Soon after the town put up very large, reflective arrows pointing out the turn. He survived, though his Camaro did not.
Would have been 12 years this month. I left when they pulled that crap with Christian (Apollo), he’s a friend IRL and I support him 100%.
I would’ve gotten away with it, if it weren’t for you meddling kids!
I, random internet stranger, was a featured extra on an episode of America’s Most Wanted in 1988 (I can not find the episode online though). There’s 1 for ya.