Indigenous Canadian from northern Ontario. Believe in equality, Indigenous rights, minority rights, LGBTQ+, women’s rights and do not support war of any kind.

  • 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Personality, presence and confidence

    Natural self confidence, but NOT an arrogant selfish confidence.

    Some people naturally have confidence and presence and some people need to build it as a skill.

    I know guys and gals with little to no knowledge or skill build up careers because they just knew how to talk and connect to people.

    I also know guys and gals with years of education and degrees but have little to no way of politely or easily getting along with people.

  • That response is also very repetitive and tired at this point. It’s the age old knee jerk reaction that we have to maintain the status quo in order to find an answer.

    When all along, it was the status quo that caused the problem in the first place.

    I don’t believe in violent revolution in order enact change in how our global society has evolved. But I do believe we need a desperate change in how we organize wealth, money, control and democratic power in our world. The majority of all the wealth in the world is now owned by a very small group of people who hold all the control in how to make our world better yet they choose not to and instead want to maintain the status quo and increase their wealth and power at all cost.

    We do have to do something about the economy … mainly discourage and disconnect wealthy elites from engorging themselves any further and help everyone else in gaining an equal share of all the wealth everywhere. It doesn’t mean all out communism, it would be a more practical way of delivering democratic socialism by limiting outrageous wealth that helps no one except small groups of people.

    Once enough people everywhere gain a measure of wealth and control and no longer have to worry about fighting one another to find food, water, shelter or a decent life … then we are more likely to sit together and talk about global problems and actually do something about it all.

    Otherwise, if we maintain the status quo, we will just keep endlessly fighting one another until our species dies out as our environment makes our world unlivable.

  • No one is safe including the rich.

    The biggest major effect that global warming will have in the next few years or about 20 to 30 years is … mass migration. Once that starts in earnest, countries will be breaking out in conflicts everywhere. We aren’t cooperating with ourselves within our established borders now, what do you think will happen when millions of people start moving around to avoid the heat and more natural disasters.

    Everyone will suffer … the only thing the rich buy themselves is time because we are all headed to the same global environmental apocalypse.

    I feel good that I’m middle aged now because I will have lived my younger years when the world was doing relatively OK.

    I feel bad for anyone born right now because they’ll either see the beginning of the end or start surviving it.

  • This is all turning into the Trump Presidential Circus Parade to the National Election

    American politics are a joke at this point and the whole world is wondering what’s going on under the Red, White and Blue Big Top Circus Show this week. The tickets are expensive, the chairs are uncomfortable, the food will make you sick, the shows are shitty, it makes children cry, the clowns scare people and it’s all powered by a fundraising Christian preacher just outside the tent.