I don’t understand this sentiment. I read and enjoyed the books and also watched the Chinese series on YouTube, and while I think the Chinese production was decent I’m definitely interested to see what Netflix can do with [what I assume to be] a bigger budget as there is definitely room for improvement.
We judge ourselves by our intentions, but others by their actions
I, for one, enjoy said green bean slop, especially with extra fried-to-unrecognizable onion strings
I mean as one small example we have a lot more renewable energy now than we did a few years ago. So I would say yes.
I don’t understand your logic. Why would climate change mean that nothing needs to be fixed?
It sounds like it could cut your thumb dramatically
Similar, and I also just checked the bands’ websites on occasion to see if they’re touring
That was far more entertaining than I expected
The fact that you need to “disclose” this makes it sound like you yourself see an issue with it
This was a very entertaining game to watch