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Mantra: “We should focus our actions, time, and resources on Direct Action, Mutual Aid, and Community Outreach… No War but Class War!”

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[Song: Civil War]

  • 45 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • Edit: grammer and phrasing, improved a bit

    Edit2: removed, “People showing up to rallies is one thing, but l”, explaining zip code differences, not mentioned in article, it would be interesting to see data though

    Let us not delude ourselves into thinking that the polls do not show differences when looking at poll data from 2020 vs. 2024.

    Let us see if certain groups of people who supported Joe in 2020 will be showing up to vote in November 2024.

    It is not just Black Americans or Latino Americans where we are seeing a shift when looking at 2020 vs. 2024 data.

    It seems to be a barebones article, but it does have some information:

    “The roundtable setup featured Representative (and Trump V.P. wannabe) Byron Donalds, former Trump Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson, and Representative Wesley Hunt in attendance,” she writes. “The seats were positioned in a semi-arc facing a gaggle of cameras and sea of white people, and everyone looks abundantly unenthused to be there.”

    Jane goes on to explain how the Atlanta event was just one of a string of failed Black voter outreach efforts.

    “In May, Trump hosted a small rally in the Bronx to gin up the Black vote after an even smaller appearance at a Harlem bodega in April,” she writes. “And in June, Trump appeared at a Black church in Detroit before skipping off to a white nationalist convention. The church stunt was a flop: At least half the audience was white, none of the attendees reporters spoke with were actual congregants, and the megachurch’s pastor said people laughed in his face when he scrambled to find people to fill the pews for the event.”

  • I decided to quote additional information from the source above, for those curious:

    What makes bird poop white?

    As birds do not have separate organs for urinating and defecating, all waste is excreted through one single opening called a cloaca. The cloaca serves as an entrance for reproductive purposes, for laying eggs, and as an exit point for excretion of bodily waste. The white sticky paste pooped by birds is uric acid, the equivalent of pee for birds.

    What type of bird poops white?

    The droppings of all bird species will contain some extent of the white uric acid component, but the rest of the feces may also be colored according to the bird’s diet.

    Is bird poop toxic to humans?

    Bird poop carries more than 60 different diseases, the majority of which are connected to parasitic infections, including ringworm, chicken mites and bed bugs.

    Is it good luck to have a bird poop on you?

    The superstition is said to have originated in Russia, where many people believe that the chances of getting pooped on are so low that it must mean that good fortune lies ahead. If a bird poops on your head, then you are truly blessed.

    Can bird poop make you blind?

    If you get bird poop in your eye, it may cause discomfort and itching, and it’s recommended to rinse it with clean water as soon as you can. Health risks from contact with bird poop are very rare but can have serious consequences. It’s important to seek medical advice if you are concerned.

  • I say, test both of them!

    They should both be tested for drugs often, the working class is forced to undergo drug testing, why not the owner class as well, they are ‘civil servants’; by multiple people and organizations, that would be fun to see differences in reports and writeups, even more if data is shown on what chemicals are in their system.

    The claims arrive as Trump himself changes his tune on how well Biden may perform at the CNN debate. Having previously called Biden the “worst debater I have ever faced,” Trump recently told the All-In Podcast that the president will be a “worthy debater” and that he does not want to “underestimate” Biden on Thursday.

    “If President Biden needs to take performance enhancing drugs in order to participate in this week’s debate, then it is imperative that he and his physician disclose that to the American people,” Jackson said. “CNN’s people leaked debate questions to Hillary Clinton in 2016,” Grenell posted on X. Grenell was making reference to previous reports on how former chair of the Democratic National Committee Donna Brazile gave notice to Clinton’s team about a debate question ahead of her 2016 debate with Trump.

    “CNN’s people leaked debate questions to Hillary Clinton in 2016,” Grenell posted on X. Grenell was making reference to previous reports on how former chair of the Democratic National Committee Donna Brazile gave notice to Clinton’s team about a debate question ahead of her 2016 debate with Trump.

    Responding to the incident, Leavitt told Newsweek: "CNN cutting off my microphone for bringing up a debate moderator’s history of anti-Trump lies just proves our point that President Trump will not be treated fairly in Thursday’s debate.

  • New of BRICS and going away from petrodollar, it will be in the history books, if allowed.

    Interesting news keeps coming out.

    India has been ramping up purchases of both coking and thermal coal from Russia since Moscow redirected exports from EU countries and offered substantial discounts to Asian buyers. Despite its efforts to expand renewable energy projects, India continues to rely heavily on coal as its primary source of power generation. Huge increase in Russian coal exports to India

    Consulting firm Yakov and Partners (formerly McKinsey Russia) has projected that India will surpass China as the top buyer of Russian coal within the next decade.

    Moscow is seeking to both ensure interconnectivity throughout the INSTC and launch regular freight shipping lines, President Vladimir Putin has said. The volume of goods shipped via the INSTC is expected to almost triple over the next seven years. The Russian leader has suggested establishing a logistics hub for the corridor on the African coast.

  • Thanks for clarifying and going further into explaining your views to us!

    Some people can be seen as being a dreamer[1], I see myself as such a person, I try to stay hopeful, I see it as a much more positive way of living in the world; as well as much healthier for our mental health

    Lemmy as a niche platform not one that appeals the masses

    Yes, Lemmy is currently a niche platform, but that is how many start off, it takes time and much effort to grow a community.

    It is similar to grassroots movements, where people that are leaders or learn to become one are willing to speak with anyone for a cause they feel strongly about, and they start to grow slowly.

    I see lemmy in that phase or light, where most activity will be from people that are willing to throw themselves out there and share their favorite hobbies and put in the energy to interact with strangers (whether it may be apositive or negative interaction is another thing).

    It takes time for people to come out of their shells and to start being active on forums as well, hopefully in Lemmy we give people that opportunity to grow as people and to take chances to meet and discuss any topic with strangers.

    A few dedicated people can’t foster a genuine community out of sheer enthusiasm.

    Well, it takes a few to start something new, in my eyes all important causes and projects start with a few people just having fun or putting the time to create something new.

    To accomplish anything in life, it will take time and a lot of energy and people willing to do that.

    I just don’t personally see that happening.

    It is okay to see the world in that way, but just putting a bit of effort into sharing or creating a community that you like, will help improve the community.

    Activity would increase, if you create a community or decide to share more of your hobbies and opinions within those communities.

    If the communities would be liked by Lemmurs or not, it is another matter, but in the end of the day we all have our own way of seeing the world and we can have discussions with people that are willing to share their views as well.

    The only way we can continue to grow as people, is by forcing ourselves to push against our own bias and to keep talking with people that do not think or agree with what we have to say.

    [1] Supertramp - Dreamer [03:31]

    Much text to read, here is a Lemmur for a fun pic:

  • Change is not easy, it takes time and people willing to help foster that new change.

    I am one of those people that is really into politics, but I try to interact with other communities once in a while!

    It is an election year, so politics is always in an all time high on any forums and social media.

    I suggest, if you are willing, to step up your game and be really active in the communites you would like to see flourish.

    It may be lonely, but it tends to be when starting new things!

    We are all trying the best we can, when we can, I give props to the lemmyverse and fediverse for all they do!

    Thanks for posting, even if you used a burner account!

  • Glenn Greenwald breaks down the recent Reuters report that revealed how the Pentagon launched a disinformation campaign to discredit the Chinese Sinovac inoculation.

    About Glenn Greenwald:

    Glenn Greenwald is a journalist, constitutional lawyer, and author of four New York Times best-selling books on politics and law. He broke the Snowden leaks in 2013. Greenwald currently hosts a political commentary show for Rumble called “System Update.”

    About SheerPost:

    Born four years ago in the disarray of the pandemic, ScheerPost has matured into an award-winning highly credible top news source on the most important issues of our time at a moment when the once vaunted model of responsible journalism is overwhelmingly the play thing of self-serving billionaires and their corporate scribes. Alternatives of integrity are desperately needed, and we are one of them, proof being that with decidedly limited resources, we have attracted readers from around the world who have viewed our content more than 13 million times. We are honored to have your support to continue doing this work.