Just a simple command to change logging level to debugging should do it. Make sure to change it back though!
Also, make sure you try different USB ports on whatever this machine is. There may be interference depending on where you’re plugging this in.
Then it sounds like a config or version issue with your networking stack. The driver and hardware is fine, and if that same card works fine on another machine, then your network stack is missing something.
If you really want to keep trying with this distro, get some debug logs for us to look at.
Honestly, this just happens with Electron apps. Just nuke everything and reinstall. Don’t forget the XDG directories.
It’ll definitely be interesting, but I imagine people will just end up pairing an actual mouse to it if the games all have mouse support.
Are you asking about uptime monitoring on a remote host, or the actual last state of the machine once X happens via logged info on the machine?
If the former, you can add a hook that pings somewhere before X action takes place.
For the latter, it should be in dmesg, both going not and coming out of different states.
Eh. I order hundreds of pieces from them a year and deal with returns. Never had this issue. That being said, this kind of problem can and does happen with other online sellers as well.
Steam Deck is a pretty big success.
Those could impact larger groups of things, but right now you’re just interested in making this work. I’m pretty sure this board is negotiating a faster connection than it’s capable of, so maybe try it out and see if it works.
There you go. That’s a good entry point to figure this out.
Identify which port you’re plugging this card into and turn it’s settings to the slowest option. I’m almost certain the speed is being negotiated on auto incorrectly.
If this works to get the firmware loaded, then you can go back and step the speeds up until it breaks, and then you know where the limit is.
Damn y’all, stop using similar aliases for fuck’s sake.
Cursory glance tells me these boards have timing issues for loading firmware.
I would search for an updated version of this firmware that may be solves this, but this is potentially an issue with the PCI slot you have as well. Did you look through your BIOS settings and see if that slot has any settings?
Yes, but what is it? Run uname -a
Also, which firmware packages do you believe have installed to sort this?
What’s your current kernel version?
You don’t really need to worry them at all, because they won’t be actively affecting anything, but the process would be like this:
dnf autoremove
and see if that will remove these extra kernel packages. If not, use rpm -qa | grep kernel
to find all the surface kernel packages to remove.But again, and let me stress this because it sounds like you’re not super experienced with this: there is no benefit to removing these packages versus just switching the running kernel, only risk.
So that’s detailing a part of the problem, but as it says, there is no one sure fix because your directories could be setup any number of ways. It’s basically saying Heroic will be called via XDG helpers to try and launch games, but if it’s looking in the wrong directory, you need to point it to the right place.
From here you need to take the output logging and figure out where exactly it’s looking for the expected launcher, but honestly, I wouldn’t even go that far if Heroic can already launch everything you need. Personally, I would just add Heroic as a non-stean game and launch that to start games from Deck mode. Lot less frustration 😂
You’re getting that error because it’s a meta package-a package that represents a collection of packages-so you need to actually remove the set of packages it installed and replace it with another kernel. Simply installing an alternate kernel package should configure it to be the default booting kernel on Fedora. You want a replacement kernel to be installed before manually removing whichever is active right now.
Don’t know about PDF viewers, but check the software store. I know there are a lot.
Lol. Totally unnecessary use of technology. Simple text and image hash matching would have done just fine.