• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • People have a profound lack of understanding about the “billions of dollars to other countries to fund wars”. Honestly, it’s like this country has gone full “Idiocracy”.

    Honey, sweetie, baby, it’s a simplistic way of putting it. I’m sure that raging at strangers on the internet is a good time for you but please take some time to breathe in between so you don’t give yourself an aneurysm.

    That’s why House Republicans are blocking aid to Ukraine because they want to tank the economy.

    Literally not part of the current discussion, but it is no big surprise to anyone what the republicans are doing.

  • Which would be great if Republicans and SCOTUS would allow it.

    So the excuse then is that he should not waste the effort to try because SCOTUS and the Republicans will shoot it down? I would rather his administration try and fail than to continue just freely giving away our money to fund foreign wars.

    What more could he do?

    Others have said it more concisely than I have the time or energy to already. As I said I am not irritated that people are getting help, it’s awesome. I am irritated because more can be done, or at least fought for, and it is not happening to the scale it should be.

  • Why not both? I am stoked that some people are getting relief! That said, if we can send billions of dollars to other countries to fund wars, I feel like we can do a little more here at home.

    I am fortunate that I am doing okay financially that my loan payments won’t bankrupt me but I know not everyone is in that same position. However if I hadn’t been so close to taking care of other debts before the deferment finally went away things would have gotten uncomfortably right for me and my family.

    I am aware that this is a me problem but I feel like with as long as that shit was deferred and with the price gouging that is happening in literally every aspect of life right now I am allowed a little anger towards Biden for not doing more.

  • There is a lot to be said for the current UX on the mobile environment when compared to what most of the Reddit refugees are used to. The web app, for me, is a miserable experience and I find the iOS apps are more user friendly even in their infancy. That said, due to how new they are, the apps are still missing key features - they great for browsing but I don’t see that either are able to make new posts as of yet. That means either making due with the web app for all usage or bouncing between the apps and the web. It’s definitely going to hamper people from posting OC, especially because a good portion are likely heavy mobile users.

    To clarify, I am not ragging on the devs for the web app or mobile apps, this is a young project by comparison to what most of us are used to and I appreciate all the hard work they are doing. Yes, many former lurkers like myself need to step up the OC game, but the community as a whole needs to be patient and understanding as well. No community will die so long as there is an interest in the subject matter.

    Anyways, that’s just my two cents as a former heavy lurking redditfugee.