• 3 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2024


  • The long-term goal is for Rust to overtake C in the kernel (from what I understand

    Your understanding wrong. Rust is limited to some very specific niches within the kernel and will likely not spread out anytime soon.

    critical code gets left untouched (a lot of the time) because no one wants to be the one that breaks shit

    The entire kernel is “critical”. The entire kernel runs - kind of by definition - in kernel space. Every bug there has the potential for privilege escalation or faults - theoretically even hardware damage. So following your advice, nobody should every touch the kernel at all.

  • No, I’d argue you simply didn’t want to invest in the other tools.

    Think about it, you probably spent hours on customizing and automating vim, and then say you’re faster in that. Well, that’s called a habit.

    IDE are objectively more powerful and since you can actually see options and navigate quickly, you don’t need to memorize every obscure feature.

    All the terminal editor enthusiasts are actively holding us back, because they insist everything outside vim is garbage for enterprise and kiddies.

    If your tool of choice is actively hostile to new users for no reason other than “that’s how it’s always been, and thus it’s better”, well then you’re digging a moat to automate your gatekeeping.

  • I understand it very well. And that’s exactly why I’m writing this.

    Ok, I can see you have no idea what you’re talking about.

    Then say, grandmaster delusion, what purpose does vim serve, where it is actually the best tool? Writing code? Hardly, it’s way too limited and requires a ton of upfront investment and headspace. Writing config files? Hardly, because if you write these by hand, you’re living in the 90s, that’s what Ansible, Terraform etc are for.

    You just don’t want to admit, that vim is nothing more than a habit. Muscle memory.