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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I am by no means highly informed, but so far, I didn’t see a few things I think should be mentioned.

    Both Israel’s government and Hamas are definitely bad guys who found stirring hate towards each other a convenient way of staying in power. After all, If you have the stongest rhetoric towards someone who wants to kill people of your country, of course those people will vote for you and you can get away with things you otherwise couldn’t.

    There’s also another side which I haven’t seen explicitly mentioned and should be considered: surrounding islamic countries (who are surely not a homogeneous group). They are in a good position to help palestinian civilians, but don’t do very much for various reasons I know relatively little about.

  • You don’t need profit in the sense of making lots of extra money compared to how much money you actually put in. I would be very interested in how much net profit is compared to gross in relative numbers. It’s a lot in absolute numbers, but I suspect not so much in relative. The problem why drug development is so very expensive is that you don’t just pay large sums for the drugs that are developed, but also for all those that are not, because they prove not useful during the testing. And there is way, way more than the successful ones, perhaps 100 to 1? I don’t have numers at hand. So in the end, you have to charge a lot of extra money above the production cost if you want to have enough money to develop any drugs at all.

    Of course, that isn’t true for old drugs. Which is a reason why generics are so much cheaper. And also why patents need to exist.

    I’m sure pharma companies abuse the system as much as they can, but not as much as it might appear at a first glance.

  • I would just add that it’s a gradient of transcription factor(s), proteins that regulate production of other proteins. Some of the regulated proteins are other thranscription factors that create finer gradients, like repeated stripes of gradients. along the initial, single gradient. This can be repeated on multiple levels so that pretty much every point of the body has unique combination of transcription factors. This combination triggers all the other proteins, including structural that create the form of the body. and of course, all this doesn’t just happen in 3D, but also changes with time. It’s complicated.

    For illustration and possible direction for some particular interesting cases wrapped in a very entertaining package, I recommend this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydqReeTV_vk

  • That’s a strong claim you’ve got there. It seems humans do possess some amount of magnetoreception, there’s even a suggested mechanism. It might be jammed by certain radiofrequencies, although I don’t know if they are still in use. Some other mammals have been shown to sense magnetism too. Personally, when I’m in a bed, especially a new one, I feel my rotation relative to my normal bed. It isn’t very precise and it’s difficult to test, so I can’t be entirely sure, but that’s how it feels. I don’t know about any studies relating magnetism and sleep. I know there historically were people who claimed it matters to them, but I think that unless you already know that it matter to you, it probably doesn’t. I’d say that much more important is darkness. Also, I heard people feel better with feet towards the door, but I don’t know if it’s proven in any way.