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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • You’re on the right path with that. Sometimes people with these mindsets just need to be spoken to, and that may (on may not) open their eyes to the ways they may have been inadvertently steeped in, whether that be from upbringing in a hatred filled household / community / etc., or a search for acceptance in those circles. I have someone at my workplace who is an outspoken anti-LGBTQ+, even going as far as plastering their laptop with heavily right wing anecdotes, and wearing very questionable shirts with horrible messages. But I’m here to eventually try and reason with them, and you’re absolutely right it’ll be an uphill battle, but one worth trying.

  • I get your perspective, and I think we are both trying to at least meet in the middle with how we are trying to explain our takes. By all means, I truly do think that minority groups should have more support and have the right to be heard and seen than the “societal norm”. I guess I was just trying to see both sides and trying to determine a midpoint. The “All Lives Matter” movement easily falls in line with many other conservative spiels, and I’m trying to see the best in people in that what they mean isn’t trying to side with the heavier right wing movements. Again, I’m not trying to belittle or minimize the trans rights movement or anything in which minority groups aren’t being heard. I guess I just wish we lived in a society where everyone was treated as equal, and any hate groups were quieted to the best of our ability, slowly erasing those archaic viewpoints.

  • I just recently picked up an Arizer XQ2 and it’s amazing, but tried for day to day use. A friend of mine gifted me a KarmaVap (Dynavap M 2020), and it’s been my daily driver next to a revisit of my older and solid Xmax Starry v3. Whichever way I go I get done nice returns as ABV, so my next edible may be gummies.

    Ever so often I use a water pipe but it’s iffy as I’m not a fan of “wasting” bud.

  • We have four cats. The first two were a bonded pair and we named them after two characters on a show we were watching when they were adopted, Sense8. Wolfgang & Riley. Scarily enough their personalities kinda fit, minus the DJing and rocket launcher.

    3rd cat we rescued from the street, and she’s Sweets Petites from tha Streets.

    4th cat was named by the lady adopting a litter out, after the Rugrats. So we’ve got Phil.