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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 28th, 2023


  • I need some advice on what to throw on this laptop - and some suggestions on how to squeeze the best performance out of this (Optimus vs. Proprietary NVIDIA vs. Open source drivers).

    Optimus isn’t a driver, but a way for the laptop to use both the integrated graphics and the discreet card. It doesn’t work well with Linux so you’ll want to disable it in EFI. This will increase heat and energy use.

    If you do end up wanting to use Optimus, the Arch wiki has a lot of good information. You should use the proprietary driver in nearly all cases.

    As far as distros, take a look at Bazzite, it’s a gaming-focused distro and similar to the steam deck’s OS.

  • I’ve worked for both individual owners and corporate owners, and it really really depends on the franchise. Chick-Fil-A is like owning a money printer as an individual owner. Pizza Hut is nearly impossible for even a large company to run profitably.

    My last job was with the largest operator of both Pizza Hut and Wendy’s in the US, they filed for bankruptcy two months after I quit because Pizza Hut was such a loss that even the Wendy’s profits could not cover the losses.

    I currently work with a bunch of CFA operators and no one owns more than two stores and they all seem to do quite well for themselves while paying their employees pretty damn good wages.

  • They’ll have to get a new SAS controller unless the RAID controller has an HBA mode. Running ZFS under a RAID controller is the best way to lose all of your data.

    ZFS is wonderful but it takes quite a bit of planning and specialized knowledge to implement properly. Your fear of a failed RAID controller is a bit much, too. I’ve had to deal with a single controller failure in 30 years of IT (and I’ve done warranty work for all of the major OEMs in corporate IT for most of those 30 years)

  • Because RSIs are life changing and you should change your behavior rather than making it more convenient to harm yourself. Assuming you’re getting a split for the ergonomic benefits, adding an unergonomic feature is extremely illogical.

    You can do whatever you want obviously, and a lot of the other commenters are doing a terrible job of explaining any sort of reasoning, but the advice is sound. Several members of my family have had fairly severe RSIs, my mother and my sister-in-law have had to have surgery to regain function in their hands due to carpal tunnel syndrome. I have some constant low-level pain due to similar bad habits when I was young.

    I got some training and corrected my workstation and behavior as much as I could to limit the damage, but what’s done is done. If you learn from the mistakes of others, you can avoid those consequences.