• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Google screwed up like a lot of companies do. YouTube was never profitable to run. They were just burning through cash to keep the lights on and become the number one video host online.

    Internally there became a mandate to try and turn it into a profit making machine and the advertisers caught wind so they stepped in with their demands knowing that they were going to be the source of the profits. This is where the content restrictions started to happen as videos needed to become ad friendly.

    I wish YouTube would have figured out another path to help provide the service and pay video creators. At least with Premium you don’t get ads and Sponsor Skip means you don’t see embedded VPN and game sponsors.

  • To test it you can just put it into the browser console (F12), but adding it to an instance will require it to be added to a javascript file that’s loaded and run on page open.

    It’s not the most ideal way of removing the feature, but it depends on what you’re needing your instance to do. If it’s just a personal instance, then I guess you could just run this line via a browser extension such as Greasemonkey, which would remove it in your client browser (not on the instance itself).

  • I still haven’t seen where it was said that the person was a “boy”. Not doubting it, but haven’t seen it.

    From the linked article:

    The four claims made against the presenter

    It’s been five days since the Sun published its first story about the BBC presenter.

    Here’s a quick summary of the four sets of allegations:

    • On Friday, the Sun’s first story is published about the mother’s claims that a BBC presenter paid their child tens of thousands of pounds for explicit photos over three years. The paper quoted the mother as saying the young person used the money to fund a crack cocaine habit, and that she was worried her child could “wind up dead”. The lawyer representing the young person has since disputed the allegations, describing them as rubbish".
    • On Tuesday afternoon, the BBC reports that a second young person had made allegations claiming the presenter pressured them to meet up and then sent abusive messages when they hinted at revealing their identity
    • Last night, the Sun reports fresh claims from a 23-year-old who claimed that the presenter broke lockdown rules to meet them during the pandemic in February 2021 and sent them cash
    • Separately, the Sun publishes messages allegedly sent to a 17-year-old after a conversation was initiated on Instagram in October 2018

    No mention of boy, man, just young person.

    Also, even if it is a man I’m not seeing the homophobia, just sounds like a factual statement. They are or they aren’t.