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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • I also liked Paris and I’ve been there twice in summer. People weren’t actively going out of their way to be unfriendly to us, so this was great compared to the rest of france.

    Everyone we asked for help did their best to help us, though we have 0 french knowledge. I had very different experiences elsewhere in France (we quickly learned to only speak to arab people outside Paris, if we needed help, worked fine).

    We skipped most touristy places and just had a few relaxing days there both times. So that might also be, why we had a pleasant time in Paris.

  • Yeah, but that is only in London and only 1300 street lights. Once they’ve done 10+ million of those in the whole of the UK this might get interesting. And it will still be much more expensive to habe an EV for people who cannot charge at home.

    Sadly they haven’t even started with that here in Germany. And tbh, I am quite annoyed by this. They keep blowing money into the assess of suburbanites, but completly ignore urban people. Thus subsidizing infrastructure wasting sprawling even more.

  • The Menemen!@lemmy.worldtoxkcd@lemmy.worldxkcd #2948: Electric vs Gas
    10 days ago

    Different for many people. For us it is that we live in an urban area parking on the street and charging it, even with the faster chargers nowadays, just doesn’t fit into our schedule. We’d have to cut working hours if we’d want to get an EV. But other people have other problems with them

    Luckily me and the children can completly get around by public transportation, scooters and bicycles. My wife cannot (for now at least). So, at least we only have one car for the 4 ouf us.

    But I already know that you’ll belittle out problems and come up with half assed solution (yes I know we can charge while shopping, but we walk to the supermarket). I had this discussion often with EV fanatics. Please spare me.

  • I think regardless of the platform it will get ugly when topics are controversial. How ugly it gets is mostly depending on the level of moderation. It doesn’t need many trolls or ill willing people to derail a discussion among hundreds of good meaning people.

    We also tend to concentrate on the things we consider unfavorable. If among 100 comments 5 are sexist, these 5 will get far more attention than the other 95.

    I mean, I’ve seen people uttering death threads on YouTube, because the YouTuber used butter in a recipe, not margarine. One of several hundred comments under that video, but the only one I remember…

  • This something we cannot bring back: when we were all new to this, it felt so unbelievable. Suddenly we were casually chatting with people thousands of kilometers away, who were of a completely different background. I’ll never forget when I (living in Germany with a turkish migration background) was talking to a US based Neonazi who said that he had nothing against turks, but he heard turks where the nxxxers of Germany. I mean, that was not a pleasant conversation, but it was just so unbelievable that this was actually happening. It felt like everything was possible now. I mean back in 2001 I thought “Hey, let’s hear the other side” and just went on the talibans website. Just a few years earlier that kind of insight was simply impossible. The internet just felt borderless.

    A lot of things were terrible though, like “asl” or when any wrong click could easily land you on a disgusting and deservedly illegal website. Crazy times.