Stupid question… are these RPMs true??
Stupid question… are these RPMs true??
There’s still time to become an electrician!
Stupid question. How do you then get cash for that wherever you end up? Do you need a bank account?
Higher growth RATES. Second half of article is that women are still behind men on pay, with the median salary for women’s full time work being 83.6% that of men’s.
Genuine question, what about Politico?
I separated myself from my brains “mean voice”. Because they’re not normal thoughts id have about other people, but separating them out I was able to address it differently and notice that “Her” presence is a sign something else might be going on in that moment. At first I was pretty brutal with her back, but over the years I got gentler with her and came to respect that she’s trying to protect me from something (no matter how misguided). I think the real healing came from that moment I was kind and gentle with Her when She’d say the stuff she’d say, but it started with me separating herself out so I could examine it as something distinct from my Self.
We had a phrase in graduate school for group projects… “good enough, move on”. Or GEMO. When we were getting too wrapped up in the details someone would say “should we just GEMO?” And there’d invariably be a sigh of relief as everyone agreed yes, it’s good enough, let’s move on.
Time in the market vs timing the market, discount might buy you a couple years worth of time but if you ever investing as you go you’d most likely have made more even with the crash.
Also, bamboo sheets for me!
If you do want an incredibly long look into JP:
I don’t disagree with you, but I think you’re thinking US not Canada. Death penalty is not Canadian. I don’t think? And health cares free (not to say there’s not other costs associated).
Thaaaat is how the world works! 🎶
I went and added one for you. Just to be fair. Thank you for your service.
The part that makes it feel like vote buying is the income limit they set. A person making $140k getting $250 doesn’t change their life or relationship with groceries and rising costs. Why not make the cap lower and give the lower income individuals more to make an actual difference in their lives? Because then it’s not vote buying.
“Arguments that sex work is inherently exploitative not only go against evidence, they reinforce assumptions and stereotypes that construct racialized sex workers as snapshots; people without a voice, without dimension and in need of saving,” said Kelly Go, program manager at SWAN. “These stereotypes increase physical violence against sex workers and render them disposable and deportable by the state in the first place. It’s important to understand migrant sex work in the context of labour rights and international labour migration.”
Ah this is excellent. Peak internet.
Gravity gets me down
Charlottetown is a good answer actually. Bigger than I thought though, 40k people.
Can i get cardio in two days? This changes everything.