What’s in your service file? May be you entered some parameters wrong
What’s in your service file? May be you entered some parameters wrong
So it has happened before, and we already know what happened last time. Doesn’t seem a very convincing argument for Biden to step down.
So, seppuku then?
Is there a video on how to unsee the debate?
Getting your PR merged is exponentially more waiting than merging lanes, so the cat fits more there.
Wait, I can sleep right after drinking coffee. Is it similar?
Remember the_donald started out as a meme sub that got taken over? I fell victim to astroturfing that election season. Thankfully it has made me more skeptical about online interactions now.
I’ll check this out, thank you for the recommendation!
Big mistake summoning him because now he’s gonna bore them to death.
I’m on fallout 4 with an unlimited carry weight mod and having a blast. I’ll come back to fnv with mods after I’m done with fo4 then, thanks
I liked fallout New Vegas a lot, but my hoarding mentality and constant inventory management was a bad combination, so I never finished that game.
That if you are not paying for a product, you are the product. If a product you love is free, and/or you use it because it’s free, think of what you are paying for it with.
That makes total sense and gives me peace, thank you! Do you have any resources on how to handle the emotional side properly that I could learn from?
My first Linux distro was Ubuntu 5.04 that I got from a free magazine cd from my university.
Yeah the boy told her these things, and we went to the principal with this and asked them to not punish the kid but instead give him the help he needs. Since then I’ve seen him get his own desk near the principals office and apparently he studies from there a lot. I still don’t know whether that’s good or bad, but the last we saw him there, he was waving at my daughter with a smile on his face. So he doesn’t seem to be minding it.
Thank you for the perspective. We’ve gone ahead and enrolled her in the HAG school, but I’m still concerned about her social skills, because apparently she’s only gonna interact with the same 10 15 kids every year. Hopefully she comes out in top socially as well as academically.
We always think so lowly of other animals, so this isn’t surprising.
Yeah I had an MSI gaming laptop that had a lot of proprietary stuff that was a pain to setup. Everything from display brightness to volume to internet to keyboard lights to headphone jack took special workarounds to setup. This was in 2018 and Ubuntu 18.04. Then 19.04 rolled out, and I didn’t have to do the speaker workaround anymore. 19.10 rolled out, and i didn’t have to do the keyboard lights workaround. This way, little by little, every Linux kernel upgrade added one or another of the components, and after a couple of years, everything on that laptop worked out of the box. That’s when I was truly impressed by Linux.
Actually it wouldn’t be that bad if OP gave up on showers altogether.
It would be a lot more beneficial to them to add an arbitration clause to all their movies. Watching the next avengers movie? You give up the rights to your first born.