Was really nbd. Gave me a local. Felt no pain at the time. Spent the next day in bed with ice on it. A little soreness, cleared up quickly. Way better than a kidneystone, fwiw.
Was really nbd. Gave me a local. Felt no pain at the time. Spent the next day in bed with ice on it. A little soreness, cleared up quickly. Way better than a kidneystone, fwiw.
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed every adaptation of Dune that I’ve seen, which I guess is only 3: the David Lynch one, the Villeneuve one, and the Syfy channel one,.which never seems to be mentioned. I’ve been meaning to watch the documentary about the crazytown Jodorowsky version that never happened; heard it was good.
I’ve literally never heard a single person refer to these 4 boxes, so I must take issue with your assertion that people are fond of doing it. You’re also seemingly discounting innumerable factors, like the hundreds of billions of dollars spent on distracting and deceiving people into both voting against their best interests, and not voting at all.
In short, your default response is a reductive and unhelpful platitude. Not trying to be a jerk (it just comes naturally). Best of luck.
Lots of NPR affiliate stations air great shows, but their nationally syndicated programming rigorously fellates the wealthy, and staunchly defends the status quo.
I don’t attribute a lot of positive things to social media, but I will give it credit for turning me around on spiders. Arachnophobia scared the crap out of me as a kid. For years afterward, I’d never sit down on a toilet without first getting down on my hands and knees to make sure there weren’t any spiders lurking underneath the bowl. Thanks to years of spiderbro memes, now I generally view them as comrades.
Perhaps the Balrog underestimated Gandalf, thinking it could cast him into the abyss, then fly back up to deal with the rest of the Fellowship. Alternatively, maybe it calculated that its best chance of defeating the wizard was to grapple with him at close quarters. Either way, the Balrog falling doesn’t necessarily mean that it wasn’t capable of flight.
I think you’re right. But it’s also apparently true that there exists a critical mass of uninformed fucking dipshits flibbertigibbets, who could be swayed by this kind of thing. The true believers are unreachable, but so much political theatre is directed at that segment of the population that just can’t be bothered to assemble more than one or two data points at a time.
I’ve never visited Asheville, but I know it by reputation as the Austin of NC—a liberal enclave. Is that inaccurate? If not, that doesn’t seem to signify anything.
I’m sure that’ll work, provided there aren’t any meddlesome kids about!
I really wish I’d just taken your word for it. That’s depressing.
That’s too bad. No autosave you can load from before it started? I love KC:D; it’s one of very few story-based games that I was motivated to play through more than once. I had a quick look, but I couldn’t find any mods that let you pause that section and come back to it later.
I really enjoyed Theresa’s DLC, but it can be an unwelcome change of pace if you’re not ready for it. There’s certainly no shortage of people that have had this issue, but it looks like the only fix is to power through it or load an earlier save. You do get a nice Skalitz shield from Theresa when you finish it, at least.
Can you see that you’re arguing against fictitious strawmen? You seem to be operating under the delusion that for all the dumb normies who have “bought into” the existing two-party system, politics is just a game that they play without understanding. You’ve reduced them all to NPC’s who lack the capacity to reason; obviously their only motivation could be mindless conformity to their “team”.
Is it your contention that it doesn’t matter what party controls the branches of government, because they’re both the same? While this is factually inaccurate, it would at least be in line with the actions you’re advocating. Speaking of which, how exactly do you imagine a “protest” vote would deny the subsequently elected government legitimacy? What force and effect do you foresee that action producing? Because anyone with a working knowledge of our electoral system can tell you that the only discernable result will be the empowerment of the minority party, which in this case seeks a fascist overthrow of our democratic system.
What you’re doing here is applying shallow, childish logic to a complex and nuanced problem, while pretending to have some high-minded motivations which—if they exist at all—clearly haven’t been thought through.
No…no. See, 1+1=2, so we can see that 2 is double the amount of 1. 2+2=4.
It can be—and usually is—both.
Man, everybody knows T-cucks is just a pile of worms in a suit. Worst-kept secret in media. IIRC, he had to admit it in court—in connection with that leaked texts scandal.
Honestly, where do you think you get off with this shit? Just a totally unwarranted, baseless, and factually inaccurate attack. Makes you look like a petty idiot.
My impression of r/menslib, formed when I was subbed there several years ago, was that it catered to people with more money than problems. The discussion there was never about real issues.
I had a science teacher that told us, “If you sneeze three times and nobody blesses you, the devil takes your soul!”
It’s science.
FWIW, I’m dual-booting windows and mint atm. Separate drives, but just one EFI partition, and this update hasn’t borked things for me.
I think a lot of folks are still out there downvotin’ as if the election were still up for grabs. It’s true that both sides supported genocide. The democrats utterly failed to even pretend to be willing to do the right thing, and we’ll all suffer for it.