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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 8th, 2023


  • My kids are similar ages and I think non-parents assume we are insulting them we we state how difficult parenting is. It’s an objective fact that having kids is hard, they make every activity at least twice as difficult.

    For example. I had to travel for work recently. 12 hours of travelling total, including 4 hours in traffic. Because the kids weren’t there, it was really easy.

    Another example. My MS in engineering feels like it was nothing compared to the work I’ve put in for the almost 8 years our first has been alive.

    Which seems like I’m making fun of people without kids for thinking normal life is easy. Nope, my perception is warped and everyone has their own perception of life’s difficulties.

  • As I stated before. Police have no right to identify you just for calling them. Even when a crime is committed verbal confirmation of your identity is more than enough. Identification is not required in the vast majority of situations, including this one. Until you get to the paperwork, then it is correct to identify someone. You’ve watched too many cops episodes or you fundamentally don’t understand American policing.

    Forced entry was incorrect on my part. It’s sort of the same situation as shooting that drunk guy in a hotel. Just because someone is unable to respond coherently doesn’t make them the suspect.

    You’re entire argument is based on the “what ifs?”. Which is extremely authoritarian.

  • I’m white as fuck and I’ve had an officer pull his gun on me for telling him I had to reach into my pocket for my wallet. You have an extremely fucked view of American police for someone who doesn’t live here.

    Heres my opinion you keep pretending you didn’t notice. He should have left the house he had no legal reason to be inside of. Checking id is not something he was required to do. He did it to make himself feel big. Last time I had to call the sheriff for domestic violence at my neighbors house they didn’t need my ID. That POS cop killed someone by escalating at every chance he had just to leave her alone.

    Please stay in your country and keep your useless opinions about our fucked up police forces to yourself.

  • Ignoring race, because you keep bringing it up to excuse shitty Police behavior.

    Police closing the distance on someone they see as violent is an escalation of violence. She would very likely be alive today if they didn’t choose to make the situation worse by escalating.

    Pulling a gun and retreating, then shooting if she advanced, yep shooting is fine. Putting her in a corner and shooting when she flinches thinking she’s about to die? That’s murder. I don’t know how you are too dumb to understand this.

  • The boots I recommended are fairly squishy. But they are nothing like most running shoes these days. If you are interested in switching to boots I’d recommend going to a store that only sells boots.

    Funny thing is I have the opposite problem now. Squishy shoes give me horrible joint and back pain. I think it’s because the force over time is longer and more damaging. I’m not a barefoot advocate but it’s everyone’s own preference.