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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • It’s probably more likely that HR is keeping HR busy, because what else are they supposed to do when the company isn’t hiring?

    I’m not in HR. In my experience there is good HR departments and bad HR departments. In both they were extremely busy all the time. There is a mountain of work HR does that has nothing to do with hiring and firing. Managing employee benefits, compliance with government regulations regarding workplace access, complex rules for reporting, tracking worker complaints and performance improvement plans for workers not meeting expectations.

  • I think people will read this and come away thinking the IDF operating in Gaza is specifically targeting only journalists. I’m not sure I’d say the same thing.

    It looks like the IDF operating in Gaza is targeting everyone, including itself, the IDF.

    “According to the IDF, as of May 2024, 49 of the 278 Israeli soldiers killed during the Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip were killed by friendly fire and in other accidents.[1]” source

    So about 18% of IDF deaths in Gaza are killed by other IDF. If anyone is questioning that data its collected by the IDF and reported in an Israeli newspaper.

    The IDF apparently shoots anything that moves, and that can include Hamas fighters, women, children, the elderly, aid workers from the USA, Palestinians, Britons, and yes journalists.

  • The lawsuit centered on the objections of a coalition of small businesses

    One business and a few individuals apparently.

    From another source:

    The ruling from U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor focuses on claims from Braidwood Management, a Christian for-profit corporation owned by Steven Hotze, that its rights were violated by the mandate under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

    And that complaint is:

    But Hotze, whose company provides health insurance to about 70 employees, argued that offering coverage for PrEP drugs encouraged “homosexual behavior” and violated “his religious beliefs by making him complicit in encouraging those behaviors.”

    So some old fashion christian homophobic and even heterosexual shaming is the basis for this law suit.

  • I’m not quite following you here. For most buyers I would agree with your point, but you call out those that have paid off their current house (or owe very little).

    Needless to say, anyone around here who bought before the market went crazy… is absolutely stuck, even if they currently owe very little or own outright.

    Doesn’t this mean that their owned property has also increased in value? And since they own outright, if they are buying a house of the same value, then they don’t need to get a mortgage, so interest rates aren’t a factor, right?

    Are you making an argument that these buyers would have difficulty if they are buying a bigger house than they currently own? If so, I can see that.

  • learn how to check your sources and their bias, dear.

    You’re telling me to check my sources? Before I got here, “the source” was a half-assed summary of a summary from CNN.com. I’m the one that found the original authors and the original report from the CNN article, honey.

    These clowns literally shill for the rich because that’s their clients…

    Of course they’re shills for the rich, everyone is that serves that market. You’ve made a total of 4 posts in this thread so far. Not a single one is offering an opinion on the topic. I have no idea what you agree or disagree with on the topic except 50% of your posts here are attacking people with ad homiem or vague references of superiority.

    Any time you’d like to join the conversation on the topic with a post of substance, you’d be welcome. So far I’m seeing nothing from you.

  • So plenty of FUD from a firm that…

    I only skimmed 5 pages or so of the report but, I’m not seeing much FUD. It looks like analysis from primary and secondary sources. You can certainly disagree with their conclusions. I’m not versed enough in that industry to speak authoritatively on it.

    Helps wealthy tax avoiders avoid tax. OK.

    It absolutely can be used for that. Or more specifically, there are those that are already doing that and this can provide other the path to do the same.

  • I get that cnn is just barely reputable tier news source, but you can read the actual report instead of having to filter out the cnn ELI5. That report is here: The Henley Private Wealth Migration Report 2024

    They’re tracking these wealthy people:

    “New World Wealth tracks the movements of over 150,000 high-net-worth individuals in its in-house database, with a special focus on those with over USD 30 million in listed company holdings. The database’s primary focus is on company founders (50%+ of the database) and individuals from high-value companies who hold the following positions: chairperson, CEO, president, director, and managing partner.”

    … and can see the actions a person takes before leaving with Visa filings and other actions:

    “Most migrating high-net-worth individuals do so via work visas, ancestry visas, and family visas or owing to having additional passports by birthright. New World Wealth estimates that currently around 25% opt for investment migration programs to secure residence rights or additional citizenships.”

    I believe their estimates:

    “It is important to note that the high-net-worth-individual migration figures in this report and dashboard focus only on people who have truly moved, namely, those who stay in their new country more than half of the year. Many wealthy individuals acquire residence rights for countries but never relocate to those countries. Such individuals are excluded from our figures, which are therefore on the conservative side.”

    It looks like this is part of the management consultancy they do as a business. They likely base their projections on key indicators from prior years that prove out. So when they say they X number of leaving, I’m betting they’re pretty close. This report alone has 18 authors and contributors at that company.