Meanwhile the village idiot is being flogged for heresy for daring to suggest that the prayer this stranger priest was chanting moments before his sister tumbled into the fire may have been responsible.
Meanwhile the village idiot is being flogged for heresy for daring to suggest that the prayer this stranger priest was chanting moments before his sister tumbled into the fire may have been responsible.
And if you crop the first two panels and put the explanation at the bottom, suddenly it’s an SMBC comic.
And that’s only if they recognize what’s going on. If you’re just minding your business and suddenly it’s dark and hard to breathe, there are a bunch of monsters, spells, and magical phenomena that are possible culprits.
There are games other than DND 5E
Sacrificing a goat would be so much easier than some of the things I’ve done with Javascript. (Things that shouldn’t even be hard in the first place)
Whatever nerd.
You just hate me cause you ain’t me.
Is Konsi is actually flirting in the last 2 panels? Are we sure she didn’t get swapped with a doppelgänger?
Not a problem, I’ll just grab some of the years from the end of my life and just kinda stuff them into the present to get me through.
Good as new without any downsid- why is my hair falling out?
Over the years, I’ve found it’s less helpful to think of the campaign as a planned road trip - and more helpful to think about it like you’re in a car chase and your brakes have been cut.
Don’t plan out meticulously, just prioritize steering into the next interesting thing that can happen, ideally one that the party is already kinda heading towards. You can have some ideas about things that could happen afterward, but you have no idea what your players will do yet.
They could befriend the lich’s minions, commit the crime before the villain has a chance to, or just straight up die to terrible luck.
This year, I started a campaign of Geist: The Sin-Eaters set in Washington DC.
GtS is a game about interacting with ghosts and laying them to rest. (For example, by bringing their killer to justice)
So my search history has been:
So I’m on a list now…
I, Robot only has a 56%?!
Clean shaven arms and legs, combed hair (with highlights?), and an earring all imply that the goblin does care about and maintain her hygiene/appearance