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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Hey, another fellow lolita!! I’m sorry to hear your local comms are so toxic. I live in Germany and I’m lucky that the comm local to me is incredibly welcoming and fun.

    I’m plus size, but wear almost exclusively brand, so I have some experience with alterations too. I highly recommend checking if your pieces have pockets, because I’ve been able to extend the sizing of a dress by 10 to 15 cm using pocket fabric alone. I’m happy to answer questions if you’re interested in alterations.

    I can only speak from my personal experience, but the online communities I’m a part of on discord are really friendly too. I’m on the plus size lolita discord, but that obviously might not be relevant to you. If you’re interested in finding a community, you might have to dig a little but there are friendly communities out there. But it’s completely valid if you’d rather just wear lolita by yourself. They are just clothes at the end of the day.

    Sending positive vibes your way 💙 (I’m just up so I’m sorry if my thoughts are kinda scattered lol)

  • Environments you can’t interact with. There’s shit lying around and I’m rolling my way through here. I would really like there to be physics so that the world around me is affected by what I’m doing.

    Too many invisible walls. Is it really necessary to stop me from jumping around the courtyard gardens (ff16)? Let me get all up close and personal with the environment. Let me yeet myself off a random cliff.

    Related: buildings that you can’t go into. Yes the outside world might be cool and interesting but it’s so much more immersive and realistic if buildings have interiors that you can go into. Half the fun I have in the older Pokémon games is exploring and just checking out the unique towns, listening to the town music etc, but the newest Pokémon games… If it’s a building you can interact with at all, it’s just a menu screen?? No visiting random apartment blocks and department stores?

    And then lastly, have few to no NPCs, and if the ones that are there just stand still and don’t do anything. It really annoyed me about so many of the kingdom hearts games, that you have these cool worlds that you’ve seen in movies and are explorable, but in all the spin off titles, there isn’t a single NPC to be found in any of the worlds. It’s so big and empty and boring. Let me allow myself to believe we’re visiting these video game worlds and viewing a snapshot of what fantasy life is like in this video game.

  • My silly boy cat likes to announce everything he’s about to do. Jump up on something? Go use the kitty litter? Karate kick the door open because he wants food right now (he just did that while I was typing this, it is the only way he knows how to open doors) it’s all just little baby innocent sounding meows.

    Then when he gets the zoomies, he enjoys a good yodel at the top of his lungs.

    Then my sweet little girl cat just enjoys chattering away at me. She also has little high pitched baby meows and sometimes does a call and response with me when I say her name. She’s honestly such a sweetheart. I get the impression that when she chatters at me, she’s telling me how excited and happy she is.

  • Up until this moment, I was CERTAIN these were nsfw communities.

    But yeah, fuck car centric infrastructures. People owning cars and driving cars… You can’t blame or hate the individuals who are just trying to survive. But you can absolutely hate how shitty the availability and maintenance of public transport often is (I hear it’s especially bad in the US?) and the car lobbying, which I hear is especially bad here in Germany. Profits are always prioritised, and the car industry is considered more profitable than providing good, affordable public transport.

  • I typed a long reply, forgot to hit send and my reply is gone lol

    But yeah, we actually do use git. I was brought into the team to be the git “expert” of the team. But while I was away, not only did he delete my work, he replaced it with something that can’t work in the long term and then presented it to my boss, stake holder equivalent and the non-technical testers as the final version. His implementation was “finished”, mine was not and I was too angry to look at his work. So in the end, I made it crystal clear that this can never happen again and I made it super clear to everyone involved in the project that my responsibility lies in the X part, and if someone needs something done for the Y part, they are to go to my co-worker. So like a clear division of responsibility.

    I also don’t have the time to un-fuck up his work. I asked him to integrate certain parts of the original implementation, but he threw a tantrum and yelled that I have no right to tell him what to do. (Ok but even if I were telling him what to do, I have 6 years of experience and a CS degree on his 1 year and no formal training, so like…)

  • The usual acne related ones, like washing my face more or using tooth paste on my spots. Turns out clearasil won’t fix your hormones.

    Use olive oil instead of sun screen because it works better than SPF and isn’t full of chemicals.

    When taking a taxi on a short stop over in Dubai, the taxi driver told me not to have blue hair (which I had) or no man will ever want me, while my then boyfriend was also sitting in the taxi, masquerading as my husband (we were wearing rings and just letting people assume we were married, which everyone did. Including the taxi driver!)

    Work related: don’t make my code too “complicated” or my one coworker can’t understand it (read: my coworker doesn’t know what async means, and instead of him learning, I’m just not ever meant to do anything async… When processing huge amounts of data… Also, error handling is too hard, don’t do that either) yes, I will forever be salty about this. He deleted weeks worth of work while I had covid because he didn’t even try to understand it - his reasoning being “it doesn’t work anyway, so there’s no point in understanding or learning what I’m doing”

  • There is definitely nothing wrong with you. There’s a reason the phrase “childlike wonder” exists. It’s normal for the newness and novelty of everything to amaze a child, and it’s normal for experiences to become routine to adults. Even if you do experience something new, there’s a very good chance that it’s similar enough to something you’ve experienced before. Brains are designed to find patterns and relate things back to past experiences as part of a survival instinct.

    But there is also nothing wrong with people who don’t have the experience I described above. The above experience is probably more common for people with neurotypical brains. I’ve never been able to relate to “not feeling” or “feeling less”, even though it seems to be quite common. My feelings are always a live wire, dialed up to 100 (and honestly, I’m over people - including doctors - telling me how nice that must be). But there’s nothing “wrong” with my brain. It just functions differently, with different strengths and weaknesses. It’s like comparing a car and a motorbike. They have different driving sensations, require different skill sets and safety precautions, but they’re both vehicles that will get you from A to B.