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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 8th, 2023


  • To some degree barrier of entry. Let’s say I want to create a smartphone. I know it’s possible to do it cheaper, without selling customer data or with special features.

    You would need crazy amounts of start captial to even enter the market and the current leaders would make your entry as miserable as they could with huge sales and temporary minor pro consumer moves.

    If you could get the captial you would probably fail there or cave and accept some kind of deal where you become rich and your company gets ingested and dissolved by current market leaders.

  • I don’t want to defend current ai art but writing sentences falls under art for me even if they get adapted on their way to the final product.

    Though I also think programmers, knitters… can create art.

    An AI use case I think is OK and is art. Is using your own sketches and ideas and taking them to the finish by filling in the background or coloring/shading it.

    Edit: On another note. Let’s look at it from the perspective of an indie game developer using Godot. He programs his game logic finishes his sketches with ai. Generates materials with ai and maybe even 3d models in the future.

    He won’t hire artists. So they don’t get paid. However he also uses insane amounts of open source libraries written by thousands of programmers. They don’t get anything either. If he is kind they get attribution maybe some will even get donations. The indie dev could create something he would not have been able to create without these technologies.

    A big corporation creating AAA games can also cut costs massivly. Absuing the work of artists by using their data without paying. These companies also take from open source and give nothing back.

    I think the abuse of artists that is starting to happen, is very similar to the abuse open source has been suffering for a long time.

  • So in German we have these weird symbols: äßöü one of them is even in my name. In my opinion they are not necessary and cause more trouble that they are worth.

    UTF 8 has alleviated some of the pain. However I still regularly find documents encoded in old character encodings and I have to manually fix all these accents.

    I also have one of them in my name. In the past in school a SYS-Admin entered my name with an ö instead of the alternate form oe. All was fine. I was about 13yo, so I had no idea about backups and didn’t care. I stored all my files on their NAS. One day they had drive failures and could recover all data except from students with accents in their name. I don’t know what shitty software they used but I am still annoyed at this.

    We also have das,dass which I always get wrong while writing texts.

    There are some good things. The time forms can be pretty fun to use.

    All in all German is a 6/10 for me could be better could be worse.