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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2024


  • Yeah, I’ve recently talked with my therapist about this choice between very slow, very hard work and sitting on my butt dreaming. And about the idea that it’s better to avoid action than to act, if I’m not sure I’ll act right. And how it apparently came to me in my teens, when I’ve been doing martial arts for some time, girls would smile at me often, and in general I thought I might be too stupid and happy and there should be something smarter. That ‘smarter’ was, of course, just another teenage idea of being wise and not like everyone else. Fucked up my life for a decade.

    By the way, people who’d be removed and theoretical and talk about some imagined third movement created via some magic other than voting - would be called ‘idiots’ in ancient Athens. Because they are on the side of an idea, not real politics. Then it became a rude word.

    Any such decision to try and find a smart shortcut, or that it’s better to wait and see how it goes instead of sweating, - are all wrong and are exactly what propaganda works for. Being honest is smarter than being dishonest. And voting for the party most fitting your ideals is smarter than for the lesser evil.

  • anticommunist propaganda

    As if that was needed to show how communists do things.

    people feel like they’re getting fucked, and Trump offers a clear, simple narrative of who is fucking them


    Kamala comes across more as representing the political establishment, and her messaging doesn’t tap into that dissatisfaction or contrarian nature

    Not only that’s correct, but she’s still your enemy. It’s just a situation where one has to choose what’s worse. From my point of view far from USA - Trump is immediately worse. But that doesn’t mean Harris is going to radically improve things.

    It’s sad you have no third strong grassroots movement, but that seems to be the case in every shitty election.

    Russia, when it supposedly had those, first was choosing between Yeltsin and his “kinda democrats, but with that smell” and “red-brown” communists with Stalin pics and swastikas, second between Putin and senile communists, the third one was between thinly masqueraded Putin and rich city kids, and then it kinda lost meaning. Trump is kinda similar to the “red-brown” side in the first example.

    One can find many such example.

  • I was banned a few times for saying something like that if some politician of some country consciously does a thing which costs Armenian lives, or, say, “recognizes territorial integrity of Azerbaijan”, they are fair game for Armenians. That technically they make a choice they have right to make, or that their country has some interests, etc are reasons, but not excuses.

    I mean, people are responsible for the actions they take. It’s not extremism.

  • im sorry for being this rude, but Fuck of with that bullshit excuse.

    No you’re not, and no I won’t.

    I have Asbergers aswell, and have been arround a lot of other Autists.

    Well, I hadn’t, except for my sister, so, especially back then, I was desperately trying to have social things other have by effort.

    Going into offensive in that could look similar to what Musk posted.

    and at worst it could be considered a thinly veiled rape theat.

    At worst. I first took it as a very awkward attempt to seem magnanimous\friendly, plus Musk’s weird ideas about healthy relationships.

    Anyway, can he fulfill that threat were it a threat? No? Then it’d be similar to what 4chan inhabitants write. Inappropriate is not the same as evil. Though I guess he and the Internet would both benefit from cutting ties.

    As somebody with Aspergers i feel downright insulted that you attempted to blame this on ‘the sperg’.

    Well, sorry, but since I wasn’t aiming for you, irrelevant.

    hes in his 50s for gods sake.

    The say older people are more like kids, ha-ha-ha

    You are way too fucking serious and judgemental.