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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • I will never understand the giga-rich. They could afford to hire round-the-clock help at rates that both buy expertise and inspire loyalty. Your house staff know where the bodies are buried, maybe literally—there’s no world where it makes sense to pay them less than six figures. Remember, $100,000 is 0.01% of $1,000,000,000, or about 0.003% of their estimated net worth of $37B. They could hire an extra maid at $100,000/year and not even notice the expense.

    But they can afford even more than that. Splurge a little. Hire a specialist in early childhood education to tutor your kids. Get a chef who graduated from a renowned culinary school. They could afford to spend millions on salary. Why skimp? What do they think they are saving up for?

  • Is a friend of a friend who knows an editor nepotism? I thought nepotism meant hiring people you’re related to, or whose career you similarly have a vested interest in. Can your friend’s friend commit nepotism by recommending you to someone at a company they don’t work for?

    Edit: Or, can the hiring manager commit nepotism by hiring someone they’ve never heard of before based on a tip from a coworker who heard about a potential hire from their friend? I didn’t originally mention this one because I felt like it was obviously no, but I guess it is more likely than the other question I asked since it’s actually about hiring.

  • A measuring cup is a specific size, about 237mL. There’s a whole system of US measurements, actually:

    3 teaspoons in a tablespoon

    2 tablespoons in an ounce

    8 ounces in a cup

    2 cups in a pint

    2 pints in a quart

    4 quarts in a gallon

    Not all cups are measuring cups; if you are having a cup of coffee that doesn’t mean your cup is exactly 8oz. You just infer from context that if someone is talking about ingredients then you should measure them with a measuring cup. (Very commonly you also see cups with graduated markings, which are US Imperial on one side and metric on the other, that go up to 2 cups/500mL.)

  • It’s quite good. If you’re looking specifically for aliens, you’ll enjoy the second trilogy (Brightness Reef, Heaven’s Reach, Infinity’s Shore) which is set on a planet where members of various species are attempting to live together outside the structure of galactic society.

    I like Sundiver even though it isn’t very much like the rest of the series. I’d say check it out, and if it doesn’t grab you just move on to Startide Rising. Skipping straight to Brightness Reef will also work.

  • But they haven’t found the facial database and Invenda claims they don’t have one, right? Their story is that the machine takes an image, runs some local processing to determine demographic info about the user/customer/target/victim, and then stores that instead of storing the image or biometrics.

    There’s a good chance they’re lying but claiming the database has been “revealed” when no one has found it yet seems like sensationalism.

    Edit: “Secret demographic database derived from facial recognition” would be true but sounds less snappy, I guess?