• 6 Posts
Joined 14 days ago
Cake day: September 5th, 2024


  • "Court records show that Cardello-Smith is incarcerated at the Earnest C Brooks correctional facility after multiple previous convictions of criminal sexual misconduct. The Metro Times reported that he taught himself criminal and civil law during his incarceration while also developing “a long history of challenging the judicial system” with lawsuits.

    Combs is not the only prominent defendant named in one of those lawsuits. Another is the Roman Catholic archdiocese of Detroit, in a lawsuit alleging that two of the organization’s priests as well as one of its lay employees sexually abused Cardello-Smith between 1979 – when he was about seven years old – and 1993."

    I don’t see how Combs doesn’t appeal this, and get this stayed, now that there’s a judgement. Dudes not going to start simply paying this may $10 million a month.

  • wut lol gtfoh

    *edit: i have the weirdest boner right now

    "Over the years, Dr. Guri has concocted various mechanisms to extract confidential data from offline networks by taking advantage of Serial ATA cables (SATAn), MEMS gyroscope (GAIROSCOPE), LEDs on network interface cards (ETHERLED), and dynamic power consumption (COVID-bit).

    Some of the other unconventional approaches devised by the researcher entail leaking data from air-gapped networks via covert acoustic signals generated by graphics processing unit (GPU) fans (GPU-FAN), (ultra)sonic waves produced by built-in motherboard buzzers (EL-GRILLO), and even printer display panels and status LEDs (PrinterLeak)."