Suspiciously majestic, dripping with estrogen. Age 35+. #PNW
Into tech, proggy music, #sourdough, woodworking. Transfem interested in anarchism, social justice, and compassion. I got commas to spare. Oxford and otherwise.
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Joined 29 days ago
Cake day: November 20th, 2024
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You probably know it way better than the average American. I say this not only as an American, but as one who has been outside North America. I find that our own perspective on us is pretty skewed, and it takes a lot of work to set it straight. More than most of us are willing to do.
You probably know it way better than the average American. I say this not only as an American, but as one who has been outside North America. I find that our own perspective on us is pretty skewed, and it takes a lot of work to set it straight. More than most of us are willing to do.