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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: December 13th, 2024


  • sleepyplacebotoReddit@lemmy.worldAfter recent events...
    3 months ago

    I was harassed and stalked by people on reddit targeting people in disability related subs especially in the autism subs. I reported them and their sockpuppet accounts and nothing was done because reddit sent a message saying that it did not break their rules. When I told one of the stalkers alts to leave me alone several times I was flagged by a bot as harassing them. I appealed it but reddit did not care.

    Another time I suggested to someone a telemedicine quit smoking service may help them and that was being flagged as “unauthorized transaction of prohibited goods”. They banned me for 7 days. They never even told me what comment I made but that was the only comment I could think of that might have caused it. Reddit themselves advertises these very same telemedicine clinics and you have to go through a doctor to obtain any medication, I was not sourcing any products. I sent them an email basically begging them to tell me specifically what I said that was wrong but they never replied. I said at the end “How am I supposed to learn from this if you won’t even tell me what comment was against the rules and clearly explain it to me?”. At least on most lemmy instances there is a modlog with what comment broke the rules and specifically why.

    Meanwhile I see tons of subs and users doing way more than what I did. This coupled with the fact that I am part of the blind / visually impaired community and reddit banned the third party client I was using that had far better features for disabled users really turned me away from wanting to keep posting on reddit. Their global moderators and a lot of the subreddit and chat moderators are sometimes just straight up evil people who don’t care about actual victims of abuse and harassment. I have begun to really limit my use of reddit because of this biased behavior.

  • The Pixel is a good phone to test the latest android features for development purposes. I would imagine to some degree they are trying to target developers interested in testing software by offering the ability to unlock and relock the bootloader. This fosters a vibrant developer community and encourages innovation. Certain things can be tested in an android emulator but it helps to have a real device to test as well.

    Pixels often ship with hardware features that other phones later include. For example Pixel 8 was the first phone with hardware memory tagging extensions and if developers wanted to test that feature they would buy a Pixel first and then use that experience with the devices their company is manufacturing. Pixels are often released with new android versions that implement android features and APIs the way they were intended to work. There have been cases of OEMs releasing devices with broken implementations of standard android features.

    Pixel was the first phone with Strongbox as well. Additionally, It was the first android phone with satellite connectivity.

    It also attracts the segment of the market that just enjoys modifying their phones as well. So basically they are targeting the power user community and developers. Despite the Pixel having the ability to install custom verified boot keys and custom OSs, Google knows that very few users use those features so it does not cut into their Play Store and Play Services market share very much.

  • Schools even have Cellebrite devices now, that is how prolific they have become. GrapheneOS has a duress password to wipe the phone and you can block all data or even power to the USB port while the phone is running. If you blocked all power to the USB port while the phone is on the only way to charge it is if it is fully turned off putting your encrypted data at rest. You can just disable data on the USB port options menu in GrapheneOS if you don’t want to completely turn off the whole port.

    You probably already know this stuff I was just mentioning it for people reading this comment section. :)

  • sleepyplacebotoBlind Maingames for blind gamers wiki
    3 months ago

    Thank you for posting this :). It is only fairly recently that games have began to add accessibility options and it is great to see. There is still much progress to be had on this front though.

    Even for people who are legally blind and have some limited vision the UI, game elements and fonts are often too small. Some games have addeid increased font sizes lately but it always seems like they are several points too small despite being put under accessibility options.

    For some games with motor control problems it would be nice if games had easier modes designed for people with disabilities. People with a variety of differences such as visual impairment, dyspraxia and autism sometimes have trouble with reaction time. Removing timers, allowing a person to skip a part they cannot do, and aim and combat assist would help some of these issues. Along with things like audio cues, software controlling the character but still allowing the player to complete the parts they can complete, and the ability to remap as many buttons as possible could help some users experience at least some aspects of a game even if they could not play it in normal mode.

    Additional suggestions might be that games offer a button to reorient the character in the direction they are supposed to go and perhaps have a program kinda guide them. The video game The Last Of Us 2 apparently had something somewhat similar though I have yet to try that game. I may buy it for the steam Christmas and new years sales.

    High contrast modes, bolder text and not using cursive writing would help some users. You could have sound cues that guide the player towards items that need to be examined or interacted with frequently. Life Is Strange series gamed are an example where this is badly needed.

    Games could implement a sound when the player needs to dodge an attack like in certain fighting games.

    If your in a game where you do a lot of walking and jumping there could be audio cues for when you need to jump. Text to speech is a big thing too when reading signs, books and other items you find in adventure games.

    On a side note, some parts of games could be made easier as an optional mode for people with cognitive differences. I have seen games where if the game was made just a little more obvious what you needed to do, users with differing ability’s could benefit more.

    It is frustrating to play something for hours trying to complete actions that your disability prevents you from. Additionally if your legally blind or low vision the small UI and fonts make it so you have to strain your neck in order to see. This leads to pain and gaming is supposed yo be a relaxing leisurely activity, not painful and frustrating.