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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: April 19th, 2024


  • and my point is that it’s not going to change unless people attempt to change it

    it’s literally the same argument that gets wheeled out any time there’s pressure for social change, then when things finally change we all look back in 10 years and ask ourselves how the hell we ever tolerated the old way of doing things

    if you want to vote biden because you think the short term benefits of avoiding trump for another 4 years outweigh the long term drawbacks of further entrenching the same status quo that led to palestine, fine

    just don’t pretend that you never had any choice in the matter

  • If you’re in a safe seat, then no they don’t care about your vote as much, so they don’t care about your protest vote as much.

    If you’re in a swing seat, then they care about your vote more, and therefore your protest vote has more weight.

    Democrats caring about your vote is by definition inexorably linked to how powerful your vote is.

    But since we’re talking hypotheticals, if there’s another genocide in 5 years, why would the democrats spend political capital to prevent it if they have solid data to show that they don’t need to bother and can still win reelection?

    That they can just point out how much worse the republicans might be in this scenario? You think Trump will be the only bad potential president? You think if you can get past this one election that US politics will return to “normal”? There’s more or less always going to be a Trump from now on.