Possible lodging, no food.
It was quite a few years before I could afford a month’s worth of food in one go, and I was too old to join by then. The way they (people my own age) handled telling me that I was too poor to join their club, left a lasting impression.
Cost of Attendance, Undergraduate, Brown University: Full Time Off-Campus. $71,412
Yet, they have billions in investment funds.
I’m 110% in favor of higher education, but not at schools that are run like an exploitation racket. Even state schools, that receive loads of Federal funding, are exploiting students financially. It’s insane that it has gotten this bad. Soon, the upper class will be the only ones who will be able to afford an education. In light of everything else, that almost feels intentional.
Apologies for the slight digression here, but institutes of higher education that are overflowing with cash make me see red. You’re a school, that’s not how any of this is supposed to work.