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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Cost of Attendance, Undergraduate, Brown University: Full Time Off-Campus. $71,412

    Yet, they have billions in investment funds.

    I’m 110% in favor of higher education, but not at schools that are run like an exploitation racket. Even state schools, that receive loads of Federal funding, are exploiting students financially. It’s insane that it has gotten this bad. Soon, the upper class will be the only ones who will be able to afford an education. In light of everything else, that almost feels intentional.

    Apologies for the slight digression here, but institutes of higher education that are overflowing with cash make me see red. You’re a school, that’s not how any of this is supposed to work.

  • Just a heads-up, your comment is posted twice.

    Not sure if there are any browser dev tools that do what you’re specifically asking. It’s more that you need to know what to look for in the source code, and the tools just aid in finding/editing/testing things. Even if you learn a dozen coding languages, and know what to look for, they may be sending the password as plain text and then doing the dirty work server-side. Maybe they send a single-use key to your browser, hash and send the password with that, then re-hash it on the server, with a private key. There are numerous ways to accomplish the task, and I’m glad I didn’t start any arguments with my simplistic “this is it” statement.

    All of that said, I’ve been out of practice for quite a while, and I was never a wizard anyhow. So, maybe someone else can offer a catch-all solution, but I really doubt it. Regardless, being aware and vigilant puts you way ahead of the pack, so nice work there.

  • I’ve seen the low-effort meme comments as well; I hated them on Reddit, and I hate them here. This topic had come up on Reddit many times over the years, and there’s not really a way to combat it, from what I could tell. People with nothing to say still want to participate (e.g. earn fake internet points), and that seems to be a favored way do it.

    Entomology subs like /r/whatsthisbug had a hard rule against comments like “kill it with fire”, “nope”, and “nuke it from orbit”. It was explained in the sidebar, mods would actively remove the comments, and people would downvote them, but it barely made a dent. Scroll to the bottom of a post and you’d see the same stupid “joke” repeated over and over, verbatim.

    These people don’t even look at the other comments, they just drop their canned catchphrase and leave. This is why I like that we have to scroll to the bottom to comment here; at least the numpties have to put in slightly more effort, and hopefully they notice the comment has already been made 30 times. Ah, who am I kidding? Seeing the same comment probably reinforces their desire to post it.

    The entire issue is lame as frig, wish there was a way to stop it. I know I’d be a bad moderator, because I’d just ban them.

  • If the super-easy signup process is a barrier to entry for someone, is that person really worth having here? This may sound crazy, but I want barriers to entry.

    Anyone recall how much better the internet was when it cost a few thousand bucks, and a bit of technical know-how, to even get online? It was no utopia, but it also wasn’t everyone’s Aunt Betty, who can’t operate a toaster, on her iPhone screaming “5G gives you covid DO YOUR RESEARCH!!!1”

    After finding the voting system better than Slashdot’s, I was on Reddit for 14 years; I fell in love with it at the start, and slowly fell out of love each time they dumbed the site down, in order to lower the barrier to entry. It went from a forum for a community of nerds, to a Facebook meme image board, and each step was a painful reminder of Eternal September in action.

    The Fediverse still has that old feeling of community, and I don’t want Eternal September to happen here (and it is happening, but not to a terrible extent, yet). I wish signing up really was confusing. Nothing good will come from adding training wheels for Aunt Betty.