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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • My gut says this is an effort to make employees feel good after layoffs and protests, but also this looks to be someone to juice the monthly active users metric before an IPO roadshow or fundraising or something.

    Ironically /r/place would be a good opportunity to win users to the official app, they probably should have done that before the API price changes to shake the tree of third party apps, so to speak.

    Anyways, this is going to be 80% “fuck /u/spez” memes, a German flag, the Apollo logo, and a perfect OSU game logo.

    I almost decided to make an account just to participate in the new /r/place, but then I would be supporting Reddit.

  • soft_frog@kbin.socialtoUnpopular Opinion@lemmy.worldI miss reddit
    1 year ago

    Yep. The reason the fediverse exists is to solve the ownership problem of big social network companies (ranging from privacy issues, to greed, to political influence), so naturally the group that uses the fediverse first are the ones that feel most strongly about that issue.

    It really isn’t hostile here 95% of the time, but on the topic of Meta it’s like poking a hornets nest.

    I know my family and most people don’t really care about the privacy settings of Meta and I don’t bother trying to convince them to change, but I will always enjoy shit talking them to like minded folk online.

  • I don’t think the quality of the front page changed all that much in the last month.

    It has long been screenshots of twitter (primarily WhitePeopleTwitter, BlackPeopleTwitter) for years, at least since 2016.

    Also short form video is all the rage and Reddit is really pushing it, but that basically means it’s just all TikTok re-uploads (or crops of TikTok, or crops of TikTok of crops of Youtube). The new Reddit video player is really mostly screen recordings of things.

    The last year or two once Reddit became really really mainstream has had a lot more repost bots though. They basically do two things: farm small subs and repost their content into larger ones, or pull content from the front page from 6+ months ago and repost it (even the top comments are often blatantly reposted). The bots coincide with reddit getting more into ads and mainstream advertisers.

    But, there have been prolific reposters like Gallowboob for many many years.