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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • The windows 11 teams runs better, but if you’re using a school or work account, you need to use the old AngularJS+Electron version, or the new React+Webview2 version.

    So for the time being, the Windows 11 teams is more catered for personal use only. It’s kind of like a modern reboot of Microsoft’s old MSN Messenger. It was included in Windows 11 (rebranded as “Chat”) but it’s been unbundled from Windows 11 installs and I think rebranded again. But not having the school/work account support means not a lot of people use it.

    The transition between the AngularJS+Electron version and the React+Webview2 versions is happening now. At some point soon, anyone who is running an OS too old to run the new teams will be forced to use the browser version.

    So after their transition, we’ll have to wait and see if they add the school/work account support to the native version because everyone using teams right now only uses those accounts.

  • There’s a reason Teams is/was shit.

    The first teams was written in AngularJS (which is a slow to run resource hog, but fast to develop) wrapped in Electron. It was kind of a minimum viable product, just to build something quickly to get some feedback and stats on what people needed.

    The plan was to build a new native version of teams and build it into the next windows while having an web fallback (built on react) for everyone else.

    They stopped working on the original teams and started working on the new versions.

    They got half-way through working on the native and react versions when suddenly, covid happened.

    They couldn’t keep working on the new versions because they wouldn’t be ready for a while, so they had to go back and resume development on the old one, introducing patch after patch to quickly get more features in there (like more than 2 webcam streams per call).

    Eventually covid subsided and they were able to resume development on the new teams versions.

    Windows 11 launched with a native teams version (which has less features but runs super quick), and the new react based teams (which can now be downloaded in a webview2 wrapper) has been in open beta since late last year (if you’ve seen the “Try the new Teams” toggle, then you’ve seen this). The React+Webview2 teams will replace the AngularJS+Electron version as the default on July 7th.

  • I’m assuming for your example that only one tab is shown at a time?

    In that case, you can do that in vscode, the only difference is the semantics of what is considered a “window”, and what is considered a “tab”.

    To do this in vscode:

    Have one window with four panes, and another window with three panes:

            Window 1         
     │          │          │ 
     │  Pane 1  │  Pane 2  │ 
     │          │          │ 
     │          │          │ 
     │  Pane 3  │  Pane 4  │ 
     │          │          │ 
            Window 2         
     │          │          │ 
     │  Pane 1  │  Pane 2  │ 
     │          │          │ 
     │                     │ 
     │       Pane 3        │ 
     │                     │ 

    You can then switch between your windows (or “tabs” in your example) by keyboard shortcut.

    In vscode, you can make the Panes different files, or even different views of the same file.

  • I have yet to be given an example of something a “general” intelligence would be able to do that an LLM can’t do.


    Something a general intelligence can do that an LLM can’t do:

    Play chess: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvTs_nbc8Eg

    Why can’t it play it? Because LLM’s don’t have memory, so they can’t work with logic. They are the same as the little “next word predictor” in your phone’s keyboard. It just says what it thinks is the most probable next word based on previous words, it’s not actually thinking or understanding anything. So instead, we get moves that don’t make sense or are completely invalid.

  • Undertale for sure. (I’m a long time gamer, and I consider this in my top 5 games now)

    It has such a slow start, and meh graphics going into it. It took me 3 separate years trying to get into it, but once I got past the first 2 hours, man did the humour, characters and music blow me away.

    If you’re worried you won’t get into it:

    • The graphics start out rough to make the better graphics later on really stand out
    • The slow start is actually them setting things up a whole bunch of things that pay off later, stick with it. (Also since the game is only 7 hours and there are multiple endings, you will replay it to get the other endings and notice just how much content is hidden at the start that you didn’t understand the first time playing it).

    I’m so glad I came back and stuck with it.

    I was just trying to clear something out of my library and ended up with the most powerful gaming attachment I’ve had in over a decade.

  • first major release under daddy Microsoft, so things may be different

    I wouldn’t hold my breath:

    1. Bethesda’s management have always unvalued spending effort on engine development
    2. Microsoft’s awful mandated top-down rules are what seriously messed up Halo Infinite:
    • To go into this point in more detail:
      • 343 industries hired a large amount of “temporary” contractors to work on Halo Infinite (this is standard in AAA games)
      • For legal reasons, any contractor who had worked on a project for 18 months is given workers protections
      • Microsoft mandated that each contractor be “let go” right before reaching this 18 month time-frame.
      • During the regular process of development, different developers would build different things, then over time either help out with any questions on how to use it, or tweak it to support a new use case.
      • During Microsoft’s mandated development, the developer who built a tool or best knew how it worked was let go. Since it’s easier to write new code rather than read existing code unassisted the developer who needs something done before a deadline has to build a new tool. After 5 years we now have 40 something tools that are all built based on different assumptions that keep overwriting each other’s results in wildly expected way. No one knows how anything works anymore.