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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • yeah, I’ll agree. the tech communities in there are not like that. it’s the political ones.

    an example: they’ll say something off the wall about the Ukraine war and American support for it, you’ll reply with something that mentions the Americans that support and don’t support it among many other things, they’ll dog pile you for using the word “liberal” with the common American definition because apparently linguistic drift is illegal. theynever get off the subject and then never actually tell you their definition and how it differs.

    that’s every political discussion with anyone from .ml involved. if it was just their own communities it would be fine, but it’s that they go out and do that with every community that doesn’t defederate.

    imagine it this way; what if “the Donald” had broken off Reddit later and made one of the largest lemmy instances. they were perfectly cordial when you were in their funny dog pictures community, but they constantly act like trump supporters in every political thread.
    obviously we’d all defederate with them. very few world even question that at this point.

    that’s what this is. they’re just loud, and extreme, and annoying on this one subject. we’d rather not see the Linux main community hold us captive against excising the problem.

  • to me it was more the straw that broke the camel’s back. every rude and unreasonable interaction i have in here is with someone from .ml. it’s not even about their politics or beliefs, they’re just not pleasant to have around.

    the second you try to engage them they throw the real arguments out for pedantry about definitions and using that to call people dumb instead of actually having meaningful discussion about ideas. they’re the worst kind of “it’s not my job to explain it to you, Google it” people too. like, i get the mindset, but it’s just not going to change anyone’s heart or mind. it’s not how you actually win an argument.

    every person on Lemmy.ml argues like an annoying 14 year old atheist that just discovered Internet arguments and the think whole Internet is Christian. they’re just shitty to be around and basically never add anything meaningful to a discussion other than “you’re wrong and dumb”

  • it’s both and more. nothing is as simple as a soundbite.

    the people in those states are afraid of “the liberal agenda”. they’re being told that the Democrats are gonna take their meat and force them to eat bugs and lab grown slop. naturally, they’re completely unwilling to ever Even try any of this stuff they hate, but that’s neither here nor there. this constant cycle of fear and outrage gets their votes. who should they vote for? the guy that promises he’ll stop the other guy from force feeding you bugs, or the one that never Even mentions this clearly important election issue?

    this particular fear cycle was likely created and pushed by the beef industry that is large and strong in those states. cattle farming is by far the most environmentally inefficient way to produce protein. it’s like 10x worse than chickens which are like 10x worse than the worst plant. this is a common leftist talking point these days. it’s part of the rhetoric. so the idea that liberals are going to come after beef isn’t entirely just based on media lies. if they go out and try to find opposing ideas they’ll find that the left hates their cows and wants them to become vegan.

    and i mean, there are people on the left who would force that kind of thing on them. look at lemmygrad and the tankies. that’s my key ideological difference with communism. the state shouldn’t force these practices, but i also don’t think it’s realistic to believe that America is anywhere close to ever doing that. the only states that would ever use the law to force someone’s eating habits for cultural reasons are currently using that to ban lab grown meet.

    I, as a leftist in America, genuinely hope that one day lab grown meat will be as cheap, good, and available as regular beef while being more environmentally friendly. i hope that this gets some hardcore beef eaters to realize that flavor is more important than whether something died to make it. lab meat is already outperforming natural steaks in flavor because it’s literally designed to have perfect marbling. if we just let this play its course, we could probably expect many of them to eventually switch over. it may take a generation or two, people are very stubborn, but it could be very good for many things in the long run.

    this sentiment alone is enough to scare conservatives. they don’t even need the media or big beef to scare them. we’re doing that on our own.

    just like ever issue, the reality of it is nuanced and gray. most people aren’t willing to read that much or think that hard about their feelings. they’d prefer a string of tiktoks or political tweets that dumb it all down to one sentence.

    if you ever find yourself saying “it’s not that complicated it’s just…” you probably need to read more into that subject. it’s always at least that complicated.

    edit: lol, literally in this thread someone pointed out another angle that i didn’t. these states are full of people that work in the cattle industry. no one wants to see their town become Detroit.

  • honestly, as good as this may be in the short term, they’ve really just added one more highly Conservative religious state that will vote against the interest of the common good moving forward.

    I strongly support Palestine gaining statehood and for Israel to stop fucking with them (that extends far beyond the war), but that doesn’t mean i like their ideals. i think there’s a strong chance that this will cause problems moving forward and that conservatives will use that as ammunition.

    that said, this is the un finally really kinda doing its job for once. ending global conflict through diplomacy. can’t say that’s a bad thing.

  • tradition in this context is not “what you’re company typically does” it’s “what society typically does”. that’s why they’re considered untraditional. because you have to exist when the rest of the world is asleep and that makes many things hard to do.

  • they happened to occupy the same time slot. that’s what it has to do with passover.

    it’s kind of like when the trans day of rememberence was on Easter. Easter is a holiday that moves. it happened to move to the same day that the trans day of rememberence was always on. people got all mad that Biden put that on Easter, even though he didn’t.

    this is a protest in response to police violence. that violence happened Friday. today is the first day that the people they are protesting are back at work and can be affected by the protest.

    there you go, that’s everything this has to do with passover. now you know and can stop asking.