• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I had an Athlon motherboard with voice POST messages… one night I woke up to it saying “your CPU has a problem!” over and over and was freaked out until I was completely awake and figure out what was wrong.

    It wasn’t high quality coming through the piezo speaker, but it was good enough.

  • She looks like she’s under water (what with the fish and octopus) and they are on the same plane as the white outlines and other things in the image, like they’re reflections or clouds.

    Kinda looks like it should be turned clockwise 90 degrees as she’s falling into the water. (You can tell because the way the tips of her hair are further towards the left like she’s sinking)

    I mean, it’s a bit abstract, but there’s no evidence I see for them to be what you seem to be thinking they are.

    Edit: actually it might be that there’s glass on the left like she’s in an aquarium with the fish and such. Again, “white blobs” are reflections.

  • Honestly, we (a large Fortune 500 company hosting sites serving between 250m and 500m unique monthly visitors) have standardized on Ubuntu LTS and Rocky Linux. Both have been rock solid. Kubernetes and other things that need regular updates and patches (aka things that directly power forward facing apis/sites) tend to be Ubuntu and the rest Rocky. We do NOT however run any ui’s or browsers or the like on them. I highly recommend against doing so on any server.

    If you mean desktop, we tend to not use Linux for desktop apps, instead going with MacOS and Windows with group policies and forced updates. Definitely prefer the stability of MacOS over Windows, but both have their place in the enterprise. When I was running a Linux desktop there, it was Fedora Silverblue. Snaps are not my friend.

  • Years ago (2006-ish), I ran Gentoo on a 300mhz ultra low power system I used for an irc & web server. I gained LOTS of speed and lowered power draw even further while also enabling the hardware acceleration the board had for ssl encryption and video encoding. The whole thing would pull <5 watts and be super stable. It was well worth it.

    But now days a Pi zero would trounce it in both low power draw and speed with stock kernels and I don’t really care enough to try to squeeze more out.

  • Unable to serve an administration that enables such atrocities, I have decided to resign from my position at the Department of State.

    I get putting your weight behind “fix this or I’m out”, but they’ll just find another “yes man” and you accomplished nothing but some press coverage for a small enough percentage of people and time to be insignificant.

    To quote Hamilton lyrics: “You got skin in the game, you stay in the game. But you don’t get a win unless you play in the game.”

    Change absolutely needs to occur, I just don’t think bouncing is going to get the desired goal.

  • I think it’s important to say that while history and routine are part of it, social networks are only as useful as they are populated. If your friends and people you follow are all on Twitter, you’re not going to jump to Mastodon. If the content creators start switching, people will likely follow… but they won’t switch unless their followers switch.

    I switched to Mastodon when Twitter went to X, and cold Turkey dropped to Lemmy from Reddit when the API scandal hit and the only thing I miss is most of the reason I was in those platforms in the first place, the content creators.

  • I feel like this is very short sighted. Yes, they can’t do it now. Yes, they are far behind…

    But as a manager and a father, the textbook way you get someone to truly learn something and grow is to give them pointers, give them a reason to want to do it, and then let them figure it out on their own. This is how kids learn to walk, how people get good at games, how employees are pushed to learn and grow in their roles, and how countries develop their own tech.

    China clearly has enough examples and pointers (legally or not), and now we have a given them a reason to do it (barring them from importing it, but still needing the tech). It will take a while, and their end goals and processes might be different than what ours were. I.e., Sometimes my kid thinks of doing something a different way and it still works. Time will tell. But in the end, they will have their own logistics, their own factories, and their own products. They might be worse, but they could definitely be better, that’s all up to them.

    If you wanted China to stay dependent on us, then this was not the right move.