• 6 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • Yes, a few. Signal (daily use), LetsEncrypt & Certbot (EFF). It’s not enough.

    One day I decided I’d spend $x every January (when I do all my other donations) on open source stuff I depend on, and roughly in the proportions I depend on them. It quickly became impossible - I can’t just fund Debian (which I use a lot of in VMs), I’d need to think of all their dependencies, same with NGINX, Node etc etc. The mind boggles.

    I need something like a Spotify subscription for open source to assuage my guilt of the great value I extract for my personal use of open source.

  • I switched from Copilot to Codeium after only a couple of months of Copilot use - just based on the cost since currently I’m just a hobby coder.

    The main difference I’ve noticed is that Codeium doesn’t seem as smart about the local context as Copilot. Copilot would look at how I’m handling promises in a project, and stick to that, whereas Codeium would choose a strategy seemingly at random.

    A second, and maybe more telling example, is that I do my accounts using ‘plain text accounting’ in VS Code. This is a very niche approach to accounting software and I imagine is hardly in the training sets at all - there certainly would not be a lot of public domain text accounts in the particular format (BeanCount) I use in public code repositories. Codeium doesn’t make any suggestions for entries as I’m entering transactions, whereas Copilot would see that the account names I’m using are present in another file in the project and suggest them, and very quickly figure out the formatting of transactions and suggest them correctly.

  • thirdBreakfast@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.mlyour favorite homelab applications
    3 months ago
    • Proxmox VE - everything’s virtualised on Debian, mostly in docker inside LXC’s for neat backup/restore and moving between nodes
    • NGINX Proxy Manager - in front of most of my homelab services so they have https certificates
    • Tailscale - access everything, everywhere, including on phone, securely
    • Uptime Kuma - monitoring, with ntfy notifications
    • apt cacher NG - unnecessary caching of apt updates
    Currently in testing on the dev server:
    • neko - virtualised browser. Been experimenting with this in a container with a VPN for really simple secure browsing - ie launch it, do your online banking and then destroy the container.
    • Dashy - I go through periods of wanting a pretty home page with all my services, set it all up, then fail to actually use it and eventually delete it, then hear about another cool one…
    • Sharry - securish file sharing. I don’t love just emailing my accounts off to the accountant.
    • LimeSurvey - survey software (like Survey Monkey) - just something I’m testing for work
    • Omada controller - I’ve got a TP-Link switch and WAP that don’t really need centrally controlled, but you know, can be.
    • A couple of development environment LXCs I use VS Code in

    I still have not landed on a music system. I’ve put some of my library on Jellyfin, and tried a couple of apps with, but haven’t hit on a good combination yet. [edit:formatting}