Professional software developer and all-around geek in Seattle.

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Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • The answer is simple. Games are categorized as AAA when they’re built by large teams with large budgets at large companies. Puzzle games usually don’t require a team of hundreds of people and tens (or hundreds) of millions of dollars to produce. The gameplay and asset scope is tiny in comparison to a typical AAA game. Most games with puzzle elements that do end up getting made by AA and AAA studios (like Portal) have the puzzle aspect merged with some other genre (like FPS, in Portal’s case), and those other genres do require more resources to produce.

  • This article kind of misses the forest for the trees. While I agree with many of the author’s points, that’s not why the #TwitterMigration failed. It failed because Twitter/Mastodon isn’t really a social networking site, and Mastodon didn’t provide the same service that Twitter does. At its core, Twitter is about small numbers of (usually famous or important) users communicating with large audiences of followers. #TwitterMigration failed because not enough of those famous and important people moved from Twitter to Mastodon, so the average user had no content they cared to read. Seeing posts from your friends about what they had for dinner last night is all well and good, but the stuff people actually want to see is famous person A throwing shade at famous person B while famous person C talks about the new movie they’re in and important organization D posts a warning about severe weather in the area. You don’t go to Twitter to have discussions, you go to Twitter to get news and gossip direct from the source.

    In contrast, sites like Reddit and kBin/Lemmy are about having group conversations around a topic. Interacting with famous people is neat but not the point. Think of Reddit/kBin/Lemmy as random conversations at a party whereas Twitter/Mastodon is some random person on the corner shouting to a crowd from a soapbox. #RedditMigration has a much better chance of succeeding simply because the purpose of the site is different. As long as enough people move to kBin/Lemmy to have meaningful conversations (aka content), it will have succeeded.

  • You seem to be missing two rather important points.

    First, users have no obligation whatsoever to ensure Reddit is profitable. That is not our job. We’re the customers (we also arguably create all the value of the service, but let’s set that aside since nobody’s expecting to get paid for commenting on threads on Reddit). If Reddit needs to find a way to be profitable, then it’s up to them to do it in such a way that doesn’t damage their business. They have full control over all of this, and have consistently made the wrong decision every step of the way. Reddit management could easily have done what most other companies do in situations like these and backpedaled, given some kind of pseudo-apology, and found a way to do what they want to do in a less objectionable manner. They didn’t. If Reddit goes the way of MySpace, it’ll be the fault of the /u/spez and the others running the business.

    Secondly, the company was founded in 2005. That’s almost 20 years ago. If they haven’t found a way to be profitable in that amount of time then they’re not going to. They have a fundamental business problem they need to fix, and they’re in a tough spot because most solutions to that problem will end up damaging the business they’re trying to save. Sucks to be them, but they really should have thought of that over a decade ago.

  • I think it’s useful as a protest because it makes things more annoying for the “average” user. Those of us who’ve already migrated to kbin or lemmy are the ones who were always more likely to go somewhere else. Having obvious, visible, and sustained protests on Reddit (especially in large subs like r/pics) makes it so the average “I just want to use Reddit” user will at least notice something is up, and possibly annoy them enough to go seek out alternatives. And it also causes journalists to write news articles about it in mainstream publications, so even people who aren’t on Reddit are finding out about it. Sure, it might drive up ad revenue in the short term, but I think it will have the longer-term effect of getting more people interested in moving off of Reddit.

  • What you’re proposing is pretty antithetical to the way the fediverse works. Kbin and Lemmy are two completely different pieces of software that just happen to communicate with each other. There can easily be more (and probably will be in the future) that name their version of a subreddit something else entirely. Heck, Reddit could conceivably add activitypub federation and then you’d literally have subreddits as part of the fediverse.

    The entire point is that things are decentralized so the users and developers that make use of the fediverse can do whatever they want with it and so that no single person, organization, or community can enforce their decisions on everyone else.