Mouthwash before brushing? Because you don’t rinse out the toothpaste?
Mouthwash before brushing? Because you don’t rinse out the toothpaste?
Yeah, fair enough. I’ve just noticed that a clean setup requires more and more workarounds in regedit and policy editor etc. Updates reenabling stuff like that is just infuriating
Not completely sure, but I believe that is a kernel thing. Hence present on all distros. Perhaps because the kernel is turned for throughput/server workloads. I hope this will be resolved with new schedulers though (e.g., through sched_ext).
My main gripe with windows is that it’s gradually turning to adware/spyware after MS decided to go for that sweet data collection revenue. That also means a shift in the focus of the development of the OS, as it’s not being developed for the benefit of the users anymore.
That, and software development processed are more tedious. Although today I’m sure I could find a workflow that works with WSL or vcpkg.
Edit: Oh, and everything turning to webapps on the desktop. Love staring at white canvas while it waits for a server response.
Just started Blindsight by Peter Watts. Haven’t gotten far yet, but so far it seems interesting
Battleblock theater. Silly coop puzzle platformer
Arch does have a testing repo though
Had the same journey. Thats the thing though, once you start with custom ppas and packages arch becomes much better. Today, users should largely pull in newer programs through snaps/appimage/flatpak, so I think it’s gotten better than it used to be.
Hmm. Why not set also set a retirement age? Are there any rules for what happens if a judge gets early onset Alzheimer’s or something?
Guy in the picture doesn’t look too good
Do you have a moment to talk about the gospel of scrum?
I’ve packaged on both distros, and PKGBUILDs are truly amazing
BOTW on CEMU. A bit overhyped perhaps, but I’m enjoying the playthrough so far
Using torguard. Works well
Indeed, motherboards are usually ok. I’ve had to switch to windows for SSDs a few times, as well as a monitor and various peripherals
Many hardware manufacturers unfortunately require windows for firmware updates. Fwupd isn’t nearly used enough unfortunately
Well, that totally makes sense, thanks. I’ve been doing it the other way around for some reason