☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆

  • 911 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: January 18th, 2020


  • The United States has done far more harm than good for humanity at large. The individualistic values it champions have led to a society that is fragmented and leaves many citizens in misery. Its global hegemony has resulted in the destruction of numerous countries, with countless lives lost due to its military interventions, coups, and regime change operations around the world. Moreover, the US’s extractive policies have prevented other nations from developing their own economies, perpetuating a cycle of underdevelopment and dependency. Additionally, as one of the largest consumers of energy per capita and major producers of fossil fuels, the United States is among the worst offenders when it comes to climate change, exacerbating global environmental crises with its unsustainable practices.

  • I tried explaining things to you, but it’s pretty clear that all you want to do is regurgitate the talking points you’ve memorized. You don’t actually want to have a discussion, and it’s a waste of my time continuing this. Your purpose has been to spew ignorant nonsense, and to pretend that you understand the subject you’re woefully ignorant about.

    No matter how much information I provide, you’re going to continue to weasel, move goal posts, and make straw man arguments. You’re not the first troll on the internet, and you’re not very original. Bye.

  • You answered yourself where the millions come from.

    I didn’t, if you look at the link provided, Russian casualties have actually been going down. Apparently you don’t have a first clue regarding the subject you’re attempting to debate here. Let me explain a few basics to you. Most of the casualties in this war (around 80%) come from artillery fire, and Russia outguns Ukraine by a factor of around 10 to 1. Ukraine has at this point run through much of its professional army that was motivated and well trained, they’re now increasingly relying on conscripts with little training, and no motivation to fight. As the professional and motivated core of the army continues to shrink, an inflection point comes where the whole army starts to collapse. This is what happened to Germans at the end of WW2. This is what’s already starting to happen in Ukraine now. Armies don’t fight to the last man, once the collapse starts, it progresses very rapidly where the cohesion of the army falls apart.

    Also, I notice you have problems with reading comprehension. Because I told you the opposite. Putin can’t in fact stop the war because that would be an incredibly unpopular move politically in Russia.

    I’ve been explaining the same thing to you over and over in many different ways here. All you do is just keep regurgitating the same few points you’ve memorized. You’re not engaging in any actual discussion here, so I’m going to stop. Feel free to believe whatever you like, but I do hope that once the war ends you’ll do some self reflection and ask yourself what was achieved by prolonging the conflict.